Posts from Advertising: TV

TV conversation targeting expands around the world

In November, we launched TV conversation targeting in the US and UK, with the promise of a global rollout. Today, we’re announcing a significant expansion of this effort.Read more…

Now available: Hispanic TV conversation targeting

In light of the adoption we have seen with TV conversation targeting for English- language television shows in the U.S., we’re expanding this feature for Spanish- language television in the U.S.Read more…

@JaguarUSA wins #AdScrimmage 2014; more top Super Bowl hashtags


Luxury auto brand Jaguar USA is the winner of the third annual Twitter #AdScrimmage, scoring the most votes for its #GoodToBeBad ad, edging out 34 other competing brands. In its Super Bowl debut, the British carmaker launched its F-TYPE Coupe with cinematic flair.Read more…

TV x Twitter: New findings for advertisers and networks


People love to watch TV with Twitter. During recent events like #SuperBowlXLVII with over 24.9M Tweets about the game and halftime, or last season’s finale of “Pretty Little Liars” with a record-breaking 1.9M Tweets (as measured by Nielsen’s SocialGuide) it’s clear that TV and Twitter are better together.Read more…

"Killing Kennedy" captures record ratings and engagement with TV ad targeting

How do you get people to care about a story that’s been told and re-told for 50 years? One network relied on the power of TV x Twitter.

The TV momentRead more…

UK retailers make a splash on Twitter as Christmas nears


With Christmas gift shopping now in full flow in the UK we’ve taken a look at how some of the UK’s largest retail brands are using Twitter this year.

The combination of Twitter and retail is a story of significant growth in 2013. Mentions of eight of the UK’s biggest retailers on Twitter are up by around 45% year-on-year, according to data from Topsy.Read more…

TV conversation targeting launches in the UK and US: Coming soon to Brazil, Canada, France, and Spain


Earlier this year we launched TV ad targeting for US advertisers, which broadens the reach and power of a brand’s television advertising by extending the brand message to Twitter users who we believe have been exposed to the same TV ads.Read more…

Why CEOs should be on Twitter

A recent survey carried out by Brandfog found that the vast majority of people trust a company more if the chief executive officer actively engages with social media. It was a point echoed by the three CEOs who appeared on stage at the recent Twitter event #TweetsFromTheTop.Read more…

Argos drives engagement with Alien baby Twitter + TV campaign


Argos is following up the success of its #windadscamera campaign last year, one of the first promoted contests on Twitter, with a new campaign centred around its loveable alien family (@ArgosAliens) who are about to make an addition to the family – the name of which will be chosen by Twitter users.Read more…

TV x Twitter at #CannesLions


In his Cannes Lions (#CannesLions) seminar today, our Chief Media Scientist (and MIT professor) Deb Roy (@dkroy) detailed our thinking about Twitter as a force multiplier for TV viewing. Here’s a summary.Read more…
