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Andrew Wolf

Oxygen Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve

72,096 views 2 years ago
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Explanation of the physiology of the oxygen-hemaglobin dissociation curve, with a discussion of it's clinical relevance. Show less
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Cardiovascular Physiology & Pathophysiology Play

Physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system for nurse practitioner students.

By Andrew Wolf, Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Online Learning


Immune System Physiology & Pathophysiology Play

Overview of the physiology and pathophysiology of the immune system. Include physiology and pathophysiology lectures from a Masters level nurse practitioner class at the University of Rochester.

Hematologic System Physiology & Pathophysiology Play

Pathophysiology and physiology lectures on the hematologic system including a description of the cellular and non-cellular components of blood, the function of the spleen, the iron cycle, pathophysiology of anemia, and coagulopathies.

Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology Play

Physiology and pathophysiology of the pulmonary system for nurse practitioner students.

By Andrew Wolf, Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Online Learning

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