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You're going to like the way your @github issues look—I guarantee it. …
Heyo! I’ve made a handy reference for whether changing any given CSS property triggers layout, paint or composite:
Motherfucking 4.9 y'all.
Stupid excited about these upcoming ships, y'all.
What a creep. Files a stupid bug on experimental code then finds me on OkCupid: /also: …
Updated my post on @github's CSS this morning to include a few edits and two of our graphs: ….
Inspired by @mdo’s Github CSS post, I wrote about CSS at Lonely Planet …
Any other popular CSS architectures out there other than BEM, OOCSS, and MVCSS?
Struggling to write a blog post that isn't completely laden with curse words right now because CSS. And people. Mostly people. I think.
Are Twitter's Analytics numbers only calculated once a day? Seems awfully lagging on some numbers.
As promised, here's a huge post on nearly everything you'd probably want to know about @github's CSS. …
Just busted out a 1,000 word post about GitHub's CSS that I'll be posting later today. Gimme a shout if there's something you want to know.
Pretty fantastic that when I type "is this" into my browser it autocompletes to "Whitesnake - Is This Love - YouTube." #hellYesThisIsLove
Your friendly neighborhood @jonrohan gave the GitHub commit pages an overhaul. So shiny and new! …
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