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Q: I am able bodied, does my disabled buddy sail for free?

A: No, everyone pays the same price. The prices in our brochure are already subsidised by up to 50% from our fundraising activities and we need an equal number of able bodied and disabled people for us to be able to sail the ship safely. Through funding we are sometimes able to offer funded berths. Keep a watch on the website for updates on these.

Q: I am sailing with a friend, will I have to spend all of my time with my buddy?

A: You can request to be in the same watch as your friend and then you can both share your experiences with your respective buddies. The aim of the buddy system is to bring you into contact with people you perhaps would not normally interact with. To help you develop as a person and make your voyage an enriching experience.

Q: Can I sail as a volunteer on the ships?

A: To be able to sail in one of our two volunteer positions on board (Bosun’s Mate and Cooks Assistant) you will first need to book a voyage and sail with us. The permanent crew assess all voyage crew during a voyage and report back to the office those they think suitable to come back as volunteers or alternatively as a watchleader. Watchleaders receive a discounted berth on our voyages.

Q: I have a severe disability and a range of special needs, will I be able to sail with the JST and what is the process?

A: The aim of the JST is to enable people of all physical disabilities to sail on our unique ships. Those with more complex needs will need to complete a medical form which will be assessed before their voyage by one of our volunteer doctors. The doctor will then decide what level of assistance is required throughout the voyage and whether a buddy can be found from our voyage crew or whether they need to bring their own buddy (and in some cases two known buddies).

Anyone with a learning disability (this includes Aspergers, Autism and Dyspraxia) will need to come with a known buddy, and will be required to have an on-board safety assessment on one of the ships, to determine their ability to understand instructions from the permanent crew and their suitability to life on board in this unique environment.

For 2015 we have maximum assessments booked and therefore cannot take any further new Learning disability crew for 2015”.

Q: I need help with personal care, will the JST find me a buddy?

A: If you require help with personal care or have a learning disability then you will need to bring someone with you who knows you well and is able to assist you in these areas.

Q: I am disabled, will my buddy take care of my needs whilst on a voyage?

A: The purpose of the buddy system is for you to help each other in whatever way you can. Everyone has their own individual strengths be it in a physical way or in strength of character. The purpose is for you to learn about each other through working the ship together to enable you to grow and develop as individuals.

Q: I am over 70 but very fit and able. Will I be able to buddy a disabled person?

A: Whilst you will not be allocated a one to one buddy you will be able to assist anyone on board who requires help.

Q: Can all types of wheelchairs be used on board the tall ships?

Wheelchairs should not exceed the maximum 66.5cm width on board and must be manual.

Q: What do I need to bring?

Clothing and equipment check list can be found in this information sheet - Voyage Crew Joining Checklist

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