GET friendships/lookup

Updated on Mon, 2014-05-19 02:05

Returns the relationships of the authenticating user to the comma-separated list of up to 100 screen_names or user_ids provided. Values for connections can be: following, following_requested, followed_by, none, blocking, muting.

Resource URL


screen_name optional

A comma separated list of screen names, up to 100 are allowed in a single request.

Example Values: twitterapi,twitter

user_id optional

A comma separated list of user IDs, up to 100 are allowed in a single request.

Example Values: 783214,6253282

Example Request


  1. [
  2.   {
  3.     "name": "Taylor Singletary",
  4.     "screen_name": "episod",
  5.     "id": 819797,
  6.     "id_str": "819797",
  7.     "connections": [
  8.       "following",
  9.       "followed_by"
  10.     ]
  11.   },
  12.   {
  13.     "name": "Twitter API",
  14.     "screen_name": "twitterapi",
  15.     "id": 6253282,
  16.     "id_str": "6253282",
  17.     "connections": [
  18.       "following",
  19.       "followed_by"
  20.     ]
  21.   },
  22.   {
  23.     "name": "White Leaf",
  24.     "screen_name": "whiteleaf",
  25.     "id": 22479443,
  26.     "id_str": "22479443",
  27.     "connections": [
  28.       "followed_by",
  29.       "muting"
  30.     ]
  31.   },
  32.   {
  33.     "name": "Andy Piper",
  34.     "screen_name": "andypiper",
  35.     "id": 786491,
  36.     "id_str": "786491",
  37.     "connections": [
  38.       "none"
  39.     ]
  40.   }
  41. ]