A Torchbearer team on the overnight leg of the London 2012 Paralympic Torch Relay

Our aims

New media technologies are always changing, but we are committed to the following broad principles:


The Get Set website should comply with accessibility standards in commissioning, editorial, design and coding. These standards include the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative and the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA, part three). This website conforms to W3C Web Accessibility Standard double A (AA).

The accessibility guidelines we follow include:

The bigger picture

  • Using an easy to read font type.
  • Ensuring suitable foreground and background colour contrast.
  • Using clear and simple grammar.
  • Providing meaningful text equivalents for pictures.
  • Providing simple, consistent site navigation.
  • Ensuring the target of each link is clearly defined.
  • Providing a sitemap.
  • Ensuring all content and functionality is available to users without content style sheet (CSS), image and script support.

Contact us
Although we are testing this site on an ongoing basis, it’s your experience which counts, and we will try hard to solve problems as we become aware of them. So let us know if there are things you find difficult or if you have constructive feedback. Contact us with your comments.
