Boaters' Update 14 March 2014

It’s great to see that the weather has tempted more of you out on to the cut. Hopefully you still find time to read this edition – there’s lots to get stuck into!

Fazeley Junction, Birmingham & Fazeley Canal
Fazeley Junction, Birmingham & Fazeley Canal

Among other things, you’ll find:

If you’d like to have your say in a future edition of Boaters’ Update, or there’s a topic you want to see covered, then drop me a line and I’ll try to oblige!

Happy boating,


Last week, this week

Over the last week or so you may have heard that:

In the coming week or so you might like to know that:


Repairs to the nation’s canals continue apace

It’s been a few weeks since the worst of the weather passed and we’ve wasted no time in starting to put things right. Since our last update work has begun to repair the major embankment slippage on the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal. Things are progressing well with 50 ‘nails’ installed to stabilise the embankment so far. You can find out more in this video. The canal either side of this short section remains open, so don’t put off your visit.

Aside from that, and more good news, the River Severn has re-opened! Keep an eye on our updates page over the coming weeks as it’ll be the first place we announce news of progress.


First-year success leads to expansion of floating markets Floating market, Birmingham

Last year Birmingham’s Main Line Canal hosted the largest floating market the country has ever seen. It was such a success that it’s going to be replicated all over the country this year from Alvecote to Ellesmere!

The colourful, vibrant, market took place on a beautiful autumn day in September and over 2,000 people enjoyed the three-day event. Canalside shoppers were treated to a huge selection of products ranging from canal-related arts and crafts to herbalists, palmistry and narrowboat paraphernalia.

Dates and locations can be found on our website but, if you’re a boat-based trader and want to take part, please contact Mike Wooding,


Plan B, to protect Fradley Junction, submitted to HS2The Swan pub at Fradley Junction

The proposed route for the new High Speed Railway (HS2) affects 20 canals, four river navigations and four waterways planned for restoration, and poses a real challenge to the waterways.  One of the areas most affected would be the picturesque Fradley Junction on the Trent & Mersey Canal and we have been working closely with the IWA and others to see how its impact can be reduced.  As part of this we jointly commissioned renowned engineering consultancy Hyder Consulting (UK) Ltd, to produce a technical report on the ‘Alternative Alignment’ in September 2013.

The report sets out a feasible alternative alignment avoiding the canal, substantially reducing embankment heights and noise and visual intrusion, and potentially saving millions of pounds.  We have submitted the report to HS2 and will keep you updated on progress.

If you haven’t already visited it, we’ve an in-depth section of the website devoted to the subject, it’s well worth a read.


Banbury open boaters’ meeting

By the time you read this, Richard Parry will have held another boaters’ meeting, this time in Leeds. In late February though, Richard hosted two meetings in Banbury.

They were well attended by around 100 local boaters.  The meetings were lively, with conversations ranging from vegetation management to cycling, how the Trust should shout more about its achievements and more.  Points were also raised about the difficulties faced by single-handed boaters, and the Trust’s attitude to development.  South East waterway manager Jeff Whyatt and Dan Barnett, South East contract delivery manager were also on hand to answer questions about local issues.

Richard appealed for mutual understanding and working together:  “Of course we won’t get everything right but we share the same goals; as the Trust, we have no agenda apart from looking after our waterways for the long term, that’s what we’re here to do.”

The questions and answers from the meetings can be found here.

The next meeting will be held at 3.30pm on 22 March at Gloucester Waterways Museum, Llanthony Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester GL1 2EH.  If you’re keen to attend, make sure you book your place.


New Business Boat Licence system goes live 1 April 2014The Floating Salon

As many of you will know from cruising about our waterways, the range of boating businesses out there is vast and arguably increasing. In terms of issuing business licences – any commercial operation on the water needs one – the one-size fits most approach needed refining.

That’s exactly what the business boating team have done! From 1 April each sector, or type of boating business, will have its own bespoke fees and terms and conditions. It gives us better processes to check that all boats meet the required regulations.

The business section of the website now includes a page for each type of business. These pages detail the terms and conditions, fees and regulations that must be met for that type of activity. This tailored approach doesn’t quite cover the full range of weird occupations, but regardless of the activity, if you’re considering starting a business make sure you visit these pages first!


Winter moorings review survey

Following some significant changes to our winter moorings offer for this past winter, we’re now after some feedback from anyone interested in the subject. 

Whether you booked a winter mooring this year or not, we’re keen to hear what you think. We’ve created a survey which is live now and closes at midday on 31 March 2014, so please do take a few minutes to complete this at Thanks!


Bits and bobs

  • Sunday’s open day at Holme Lock on the River Trent has, regrettably, been cancelled. During the emergency repairs to the lock, a hole was discovered in the lock floor and it’s forced the cancellation.
  • Ever wanted to know what our works planners get up to at the Trust? If so, have a read of the interview with Helen Sime from the South East waterway unit.
  • The Trust, and previously British Waterways, have worked extensively with local partners over many years to try to reach an agreed way forward to manage towpath mooring on the western section of Kennet & Avon (K&A) canal. Following extensive consultation we’ve now published (13 March) a 12 month local plan for towpath mooring on the Kennet & Avon Canal between Bath and Foxhangers.

The end,


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Last Updated: 28 March 2014