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    Team Blog


    Jul 27 2010

    Countdown to Weymouth

    We’ve just over a fortnight until the Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta gets underway at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, and the team are chomping at the bit for racing to start.When they’re not abroad competing the sailors spend a lot of time at the venue familiarising themselves with every condition Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour can throw at them while also making the most of the team’s superb land facilities at Portland Marina
    Jul 21 2010

    Celebrity spotting at Channel 4!

    Myself, Hannah Stodel and Alexandra Rickham travelled up to Central London yesterday as Channel 4 were launching the fact that they are the main broadcaster for the 2012 Paralympic Games.
    Jul 20 2010

    Return to the Finn

    Last week I spent sometime sailing the Finn in Lymington, it was hard work and the body suffered a bit, however it has enabled me to get enough training in to be able to confirm I’ll be competing at the Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy 9-14 August 2010.
    Jul 20 2010

    Over the moon with the silver!

    We are over the moon with our result at the IFDS World Championships. Its been a tough year, and for a while we wondered whether we would ever get back on form. But it seems we are fighting back! Despite the many setbacks at the beginning of the week, we held it together, knuckled down and fought to the bitter end to take the Silver medal.
    Jul 16 2010

    Ups and downs at the Worlds

    It’s been a testing Worlds for us all, the conditions just haven’t played ball and we’ve been dealing with just too much wind or not any wind at all! 
    Jul 15 2010

    Killing time in The Hague...

    The week so far at the 470 Worlds has been a little frustrating, to say the least.  
    Jul 14 2010

    Draper-Greenhalgh European Champions

    Its great to see the hard work put in by Peter and Chris start to pay off. Having slipped to 4th in Kiele it was important to lay a marker down at this regatta and that's exactly what the G4S boy's did.
    Jul 12 2010

    Interesting Opening Day at 470 Worlds

    It’s been an interesting opening day of the Worlds, all day the organisers have been worried about a severe weather warning, especially a big thunderstorm, that’s been hanging around.
    Jul 10 2010

    Gold at the Europeans!

    Hello all, well we are really pleased to say that we are The European Champions! Today was a hard day, we had one race left of normal racing with the Gold fleet. We had a reasonable result as our discard so we were fairly comfortable for the medal race whatever the outcome of the race.
    Jul 9 2010

    A challenging week

    I had a good day, probably my best of the regatta so far, but the OCS in one of my races today really didn't help.  As a result of this the medals are out of my reach but it is a good opportunity to learn form my mistakes out there, pick myself and move on.
    Jul 8 2010

    An absolutely awesome day

    We had an absolutely perfect day today; I guess a solid performance in many ways.  We managed to get 4 races in which was great, we sailed in near perfect conditions 14 to 18 knots, a little chop and sunshine.  
    Jul 7 2010

    A solid performance so far

    Hello Everyone !We had 4 races today in some good breeze. Race 1 saw a big left hand shift before the start so the start line was very bias and the first beat was alot of sailing on port
    Jul 7 2010

    The Euros continue

    Well today was very similar to yesterday we were on the same course area, “Alpha” and it was gusty shifty again, but a slightly different range of breeze. We were a bit stuck in our ways of yesterday, so failed to take advantage of the first gain and were always fighting back through, but all in all a good day of consistency.

    So finals tomorrow just 25 boats in the Gold fleet, should be some exciting racing if the weather stays the same. We are both confident that the speed is there, the routines and habits are there, just got to execute it now, and hopefully the sun should start beaming again as the last couple of days have been a bit chilly on the water.


    Jul 4 2010

    Gearing up for the 49er Europeans

    Well, we’re now in Sopot, Poland, on the eve of the 49er European Championships (5-10 July). 

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