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Men were the first to wear high heels -- Then women started wearing them to look more masculine.
The time is always right to do what is right. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Hakuna Ma'Vodka It means no memories for the rest of your night
#Scorpios can't stand when someone stare at them,but will be the first ones to sit back and observe everything and everyone.
Mice were exposed to heavy metal music during a study to see how it affects them… they killed each other instead of completing the maze.
When Mother is Happy Family is Happy.When Family is Happy nation is Happy http://bit.ly/Ifpva5
Why is it so easy to tell lies on TV, and why do we sit and watch? People's lives are not entertainment! Not Ukraine, not Gaza, not anywhere
Sometimes you have to act like you don't care, even when you do.
What Jim Carrey Explains In 1 Minute Will Touch Your Life... http://www.mobiledia.com/news/199433.html … via @mobiledia
"When elephants fight, ants get killed." Cambodian Proverb
Twenty years later, this is still the best business book I’ve ever read: http://b-gat.es/1jImcvY pic.twitter.com/RG0QlNvnnB
This is one of the most vivid examples of life without electricity at home: http://b-gat.es/1lQJdLo pic.twitter.com/eAIDTnf9sH
Forget The “To-Do” List, You Need A ‘Stop Doing’ List http://www.farnamstreetblog.com/2014/07/jim-collins-stop-doing-list/ … (via @farnamstreet)
Can you believe how Brazil is reacting to this loss?! http://luxurles.hostedgalleries.me/brazil-fans-crazy-reactions-to-a-brutal-loss … pic.twitter.com/nPsSF5a2hH
Tweeting the Funniest Drunk Stories Out There. Submit Your Drunk Party Stories Here: http://bit.ly/DrunkStorys
This world is such a cool and weird place! , I'm not affiliated or claim to own any of the picture! Request removal, see email below. Publisher: @AbhiComedy
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