Welcome to BICCO-Net

Marbled White Butterfly.  Photo: Marc Botham
Marbled White Butterfly

BICCO-Net is a new online collaborative project providing the latest information on the impacts of Climate Change on UK biodiversity. It is a Joint Research Initiative sponsored by Defra, CCW, NIEA, NE and SNH and managed by JNCC.

Climate change is projected to have substantial impacts on wildlife and habitats in the UK over the coming century. BICCO-Net collates, analyses and interprets the key terrestrial and coastal biodiversity monitoring data sets in order to identify those species, communities and habitats that are most likely to be impacted by climate change in the UK.

BICCO-Net is an evolving on-line resource that will develop over time into a key source for assessing the vulnerability of UK biodiversity to climate change.

BICCO-Net will provide:

  • Summaries of the latest publications on the impacts of climate change upon UK biodiversity (ongoing)
  • Up-to-date results linking changes in species populations and distributions to climate change (autumn 2010)
  • Identification of generic species traits common to climate-sensitive species (autumn 2010)
  • A review of the indicators used to communicate trends in the observed impacts of climate change on biodiversity (winter 2010)
  • Significant contribution to the advice that will allow policy makers and land managers to implement adaptive management (early 2011).