A venue of the Glasgow 2018 Youth Olympic Games bid.

Be a Champion in Your Life

Back our Bid image for the Glasgow 2018 Youth Olympic Games.

Before you start planning your school campaign, send a message of support to Glasgow 2018 and be one of the first in your school to Back our Bid.

The Glasgow 2018 bid was shortlisted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Wednesday 13 February. On the 10 and 11 April, the IOC will undertake an Evaluation Commission in preparation for their final vote on 4 July 2013. This means we only have a short period of time to ensure that young people throughout the UK get behind the Glasgow 2018 Youth Olympic Games bid.

Follow our ABC method below to ensure that your students and your school community Backs our Bid for the Glasgow 2018 Youth Olympic Games!

ASSEMBLE your students together

Glasgow 2018 believes in Excellence, Innovation and the Empowerment of Youth. It embraces Aspiration, Friendliness and Respect. The vision is to deliver a Youth Olympic Games that empowers young people to be champions in their own lives and inspires the world to support them.

  • Use these great facts and figures about the Youth Olympic Games, and about Glasgow, as a starting point for debates and discussion in literacy, personal development and citizenship programmes, tutor time etc.
  • Display the Get Set for Glasgow 2018 assembly presentation during your whole school assembly, and begin to educate the young people about the campaign.
  • During your assembly, show the Glasgow 2018 promotional film to your students and ask them some introductory questions.
  • Find out how young people are at the heart of Glasgow’s 2018 Bid and how they have played a central role in every aspect of preparation of the Candidature File as well as the Back our Bid campaign.
  • Once you have utilised all of the Get Set for Glasgow 2018 resources, why not take a look at the Glasgow 2018 website to see what else is on offer and what other information can be sourced to help your school campaign.

BACK our bid as a school

It’s all about the journey from 2012, to 2014 to 2018 and the unique opportunity this provides the UK. Together we can continue to inspire a generation of young people. Make sure your school is supporting the Back our Bid campaign in the following ways:

  • Ensure that all of your colleagues and young people send a message of support to Glasgow 2018 and Back our Bid!
  • Download the campaign poster of Mahad, from Glasgow 2018 which asks you to help bring the Youth Olympic Games to Glasgow.
  • Download the cultural campaign poster of Jasmine, and display them both in prominent positions around school.
  • Create displays and use noticeboards to spread the message in school. Our image bank contains lots of Glasgow 2018 images which you can download and print to decorate your displays.
  • Print the Glasgow 2018 Executive Summary (18MB) and leave it in the school reception for visitors to read, in the staffroom for colleagues or in the school library for students.
  • Ask your Values Leaders to become Glasgow 2018 Supporters within school, update staff and young people on the progress of the bid, and to plan a celebration party for the IOC final vote on the 4 July 2013. Download and present a Glasgow 2018 YOG certificate to thank your Values Leaders for supporting the Glasgow 2018 Youth Olympic Games bid.

COMMUNICATE the Glasgow 2018 Back the Bid message

The public regularly exhibit their passion for sport. The London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay travelled to all corners of the UK and at every location the responses were overwhelming. This reinforces the notion that the Olympic Values and sport itself hold a very special place in the hearts of the UK people and their culture. Share the Glasgow 2018 spirit from within your school to those members of the public within your school community.

  • Download our Glasgow 2018 digital ads and upload them onto your school website. Available in various sizes – 120×60, 300×250, 728×90, 900×250
  • Include information about the Glasgow 2018 YOG bid in an e-newsletter or text to parents and ask them to Back our Bid.
  • Download the new Glasgow 2018 Twibbon for your school’s Twitter page. Click on the Twibbon below for further instructions – you will need to have permission to do this from your school’s Twitter account manager.
