South Hook Combined Heat & Power Station

What happens next

23/10/2014 - Deadline for Secretary of State to make decision

The Planning Inspectorate issued a report of recommendation to the Secretary of State on 23 July 2014. The Secretary of State has 3 months in which to issue a decision. The decision letter and report of recommendation will be published on this page of the website once a decision has been made.

Timeline (24 items)

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The Examining Authority issued its recommendation to the Secretary of State on 23 July 2014. A decision will be published within 3 months. Please note that the Examining Authority’s recommendation will also be made available at that point.

23 July 2014
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Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate
23 July 2014
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The following documents have been published:

- The responses to the Examining Authority’s rule 17 letter relating to correspondence from the HSE.

- QPI Global Ventures Ltd final submissions.

- Explanatory Memorandum.

- Explanatory Memorandum with track changes.

- The Health and Safety Executive’s and QPI Global Ventures Ltd comments on QPI Global Ventures Ltd rule 17 response dated the 23 April 2014.

25 April 2014
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The examination has closed. There will now be a period of 3 months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The notification of completion of the Examining Authority’s examination has been published.

24 April 2014
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Examination ends
23 April 2014
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22 April 2014
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7 March 2014
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6 March 2014
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The examination authority has issued a rule 17 request for further information relating to changes of the original application.

4 March 2014
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A letter giving notification of open floor and issue specific hearings; the Examining Authority’s second round of written questions and requests for information & a timetable for comments on new submissions has been published

27 January 2014
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The Audio recordings of the Issue Specific Hearing on local environmental impacts held on 15 January 2014 Have been published.
Morning session (MP3 127 MB)
Afternoon session (MP3 120 MB)

17 January 2014
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8 January 2014
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The note of the Preliminary Meeting has been published

View the Preliminary Meeting note

15 November 2013
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The examination timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to interested parties

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting

30 October 2013
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  • Preliminary Meeting takes place
  • Examination begins
23 October 2013
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The notification of Preliminary Meeting (rule 6 letter) has been sent Read the letter

The letter also includes appointment of Examining Authority, draft timetable of examination and statement of principal issues.

26 September 2013
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Relevant representations published on the website
23 August 2013
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Registration of interested parties closes
16 August 2013
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Registration of interested parties begins
12 July 2013
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The application has been accepted for examination

27 June 2013
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Decision on whether or not to accept the application for examination
26 June 2013
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Application received by the Planning Inspectorate
31 May 2013