Penn State University
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  • Myke Atwater
    Myke Atwater recommended this school:
    • Penn State University

        Charles Sulik, Marley Bross +107

      • See previous comments

      • Linda Rooney, PHR
        Linda Rooney, PHR Courage and inspiration. Thanks you Max! Proud to be a Penn Stater with you!6 hours ago
    • Nancy Keyser
      Nancy Keyser recommended this school:
      • Sri Suryani M. rambe
        Sri Suryani M. rambe recommended this school:
        • Penn State University

            Janice Dy, Matthew Christine +93

          • michael PARTNER
            michael PARTNER that's nice8 days ago
        • Penn State University
        • Heather Ochman
          Heather Ochman recommended this school:
          • Penn State University

              Lori Dembo, Paulette Hensler, PHR +301

            • See previous comments

            • Dave McLaughlin
              Dave McLaughlin @Travis...the "original" Curt Warner, right!!! :)11 days ago
            • Chip Schneller
              Chip Schneller A Penn Stater all the way!!!22 hours ago
          • Penn State University

              Kara Schurer, md alim uddin al mahmud +64

            • See previous comments

            • Olivier Nsabimana
              Olivier Nsabimana how i can found scholarship for masters degree in medical physics 8 days ago
            • Bryan Curran
              Bryan Curran Thanks Michelle...that helped. 7 days ago
          • Ravi Bollina
            Ravi Bollina recommended this school:

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            • Justin Lambeth

              Transformative CMO | Insights and Analytics Driven | P&L Management | Retail Execution

              Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Economics

              1987 – 1991

            • Michael Schutzler

              CEO for WTIA. Entrepreneur. Angel investor. Harley commuter. Zen student. Husband. Dad.

              BSEE, Communication Systems

              1980 – 1984

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