Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

About the Social Media Marketing Group

This is the LARGEST and most active social media marketing group on with over 825,000 members as of April 2014, including 20 subgroups for special interests,... more »
This is the LARGEST and most active social media marketing group on with over 825,000 members as of April 2014, including 20 subgroups for special interests, such as Social Media Marketing & NonProfits, Social Media & Politics, etc. It is intended for interactive advertising and marketing professionals who are actively engaged in social media and community-oriented websites around the world. It is highly moderated by 28 professionals to keep this forum SPAM-free, focused and productive.

NO SPAM OR DIRECT SALES PITCHES ARE ALLOWED! Anyone posting direct sales pitches is warned once, and permanently banned the second time. A rule of thumb is simple: if your message does not contain a contribution of value and leads to any kind of commercial or paid website or blog, IT IS PROMOTIONAL! Please respect the intelligence and integrity of group members and post only to the Promotions area. .

1. NO network marketing or MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) of any kind is allowed to be promoted in this forum. This is not the forum for that type of business.
2. No religious, political or non-profit discussions are allowed except in that they relate to social media aspects. There are other forums for these causes, no matter how wonderful they may be.
3. Please do not continually repost the same message, either in discussions or jobs. People will see it the first time.
4. The jobs section is for full-time jobs and related content for job hunters. Resume writing services, commission only employment or jobs that require any kind of payment by the job hunter are not allowed.
5. A weekly email is sent to group members who opt-in to receive it. This email contains events, webinars, white papers and other useful resources, many of which are free. We also negotiate discounted special group rates on select products and services. « less

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About this Group

  • Created: March 6, 2008
  • Type: Professional Group
  • Members: 928,638
  • Subgroups: 20