Try Sailing Day at Deben YC 

Deben YC had a very successful Try Sailing Day on Sunday 13 July, with over 85 visitors coming to the club.

The club even had a queue at the entrance to the clubhouse at the start of the event at 12.00, and this was in spite of some very changeable weather – sunshine followed by showers all afternoon. 

Everyone who wanted to sail was given an opportunity in the club boats. Quite a few of the visitors had never sailed before. All said they enjoyed it and a good number expressed a wish to join the club and take sailing courses.

The Mayor of Woodbridge, Councillor Geoff Holdcroft was out in a boat, not his first time as he is a long-standing club member, but it was great to have his support and that of the community. Needless to say the club volunteers did a great job too.

Deben YC is a RYA Training Centre and Champion Club. To find out more about the club visit the website.

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Article Published: July 14, 2014 17:55

Article Updated: July 15, 2014 9:25


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