OnBoarders having fun on the water

OnBoard: on target and on a mission! 

The OnBoard scheme is nearing its target

The OnBoard scheme was launched at the end of March 2005 with a very ambitious aim: to introduce 500,000 children to sailing and windsurfing in the UK, converting 10% of them to regular participants, in ten years. Now, approaching the nine-year mark, the numbers are looking good.

So far, sailing clubs and centres all around the country have provided a total of 480,000 first experiences, and almost 40,000 of those youngsters have become regular sailors.

Throughout the nine years, 26 OnBoard Development Officers (now known as Sailing Development Officers) across the UK have put a huge amount of effort into making the programme the success it is today.

Mark Belshaw, one of the very first OnBoard Development Officers, was involved in the launch of the scheme in Cornwall in 2005. Still one of the OnBoard team, he is now seeing the success of some of the youngsters he introduced to sailing: “It was a very exciting time being involved with a brand-new scheme back in 2005, and it was the best job I’d ever had! It’s been great fun being part of it, and seeing the difference that it makes. The youngsters seem to have grown so quickly, and now I’m seeing them really achieving things - getting qualified as instructors, training in zone squads, and working in the industry - when they started from nothing at all.”

With a year to hit that target of 50,000, OnBoard clubs and centres, with the help of their RYA Sailing Development Officers, are being asked to work harder than ever this season to encourage regular participation in junior sailing – especially because OnBoard isn’t going to stop once the target is reached!

OnBoard Operations Officer Cat Ferguson explains: “OnBoard is a programme that works, and we have had a lot of amazing success stories. In fact, we would like to give more clubs the opportunity to be part of OnBoard, and will be supporting their efforts to bring more youngsters into the scheme.

“Thank you to all those who have made it possible for OnBoard to achieve what it has – instructors, volunteers and teachers. With such fantastic results, there’s no doubt that OnBoard will go much further in future years, with clubs opening their doors and encouraging participation, offering even  more potential for more kids of all ages and backgrounds to get into sailing.”

If you’re involved with an OnBoard club, make sure you’re reporting regular data to help us prove what an amazing programme OnBoard is. Let’s see just how far OnBoard can go!

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Article Published: January 30, 2014 16:31


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