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Aspiring young sailor Kristof recieves own boat 

Ten year old Kristof recieves boat from new John Merricks Sailing Trust scheme

Aspiring young sailor Kristof Jenkins from Kingsclere, Berkshire has been awarded the two years’ exclusive use of an Optimist dinghy, donated by the John Merricks Sailing Trust (JMST), in the inaugural year of an exciting new scheme.  

Ten year old Kristof, who started sailing through the RYA OnBoard programme, was selected from almost a hundred applications after competing in the RYA South Zone Championships at Poole Yacht Club in September.  

Kristof’s mother Debi described her son’s sailing progress: “In August 2012 Kristof did an RYA level 1 and 2 sailing course at Berkshire Sail Training Centre. Until this time he had been struggling socially and academically, he hadn't quite found his place in the world.  What a transformation we saw in him when he got onto the water, he was grinning from ear to ear and appeared so competent and at ease.  

“Being on low income we were aware of the expense involved in sailing, but we decided to join the sailing club with a determination that if he had a natural skill that was going to positively change his life in any way at all, then we would make it work somehow. We felt that his joy of sailing would help to develop his self esteem and other life skills, provide him with a peer group with similar interest and a hobby he could enjoy. We have not looked back.  

“Kristof has constantly displayed drive, enthusiasm and determination and put in the hours training to succeed. He has received outstanding support and guidance from Mark Stevens, the Optimist Club Coach at Burghfield Sailing Club.  

“We can see that this is not just a hobby for Kristof but a life changing experience, laying foundations for a healthy happy childhood and transition into adulthood. Whatever else he achieves on top of that will be a bonus. Sailing has changed not only his well being but our whole family dynamic, bringing the family together in a way that we had not thought possible.   “We would struggle to afford a fully measured race ready dinghy, so this award will now enable him to pursue his dreams and our dreams for him.  We are really looking forward to further accompanying Kristof on his journey in sailing, it is going to be very exciting for our family to be able to support him at regional and national events.”  

Extraordinary enthusiasm

Kristof’s coach Mark says: “Kristof’s enthusiasm is extraordinary. After seeing him sail in the club End of Season race last year, based on his ability I decided to take the risk and move him straight into the racing group this year and he has not disappointed.”  

“His performance, confidence and skills have advanced at an incredible rate. He has been competitive in club racing, constantly working at beating more senior sailors. I have been coaching for many years and cannot think of another junior sailor with so much enthusiasm and passion for sailing.”  

Olympic dreams

Kristof says: “Last August I did my RYA levels 1 and 2 sailing course, and this August I completed levels 3 and 4. Through the summer I went to the Admirals Club at Burghfield Sailing Club where I sailed lots of types of boats.”  

“I want to continue improving my sailing, it has changed my life so much. I am really happy to have found something I am good at and really enjoy. I love racing and one day I would like to compete in the Olympics like John Merricks and Ben Ainsley.”   “I want to enter main fleet now and be able to qualify for RYA zone squads but couldn’t have done this without my own boat, and I know that I will love it, take care of it and make good use of it to get where I want to be. I have a really good Coach and I know he will help me to achieve my best.”  

“In two years time I would like to be in the RYA zone squads training to represent Great Britain.”  

Kristof will receive two years of exclusive use of the boat which has been donated by the Trust. After this it will be donated to Burghfield Sailing Club to benefit training programmes and enable other young sailors to benefit in the future and progress into club, regional and national racing activities.  

Run by the RYA, OnBoard is a grass roots programme which introduces sailing and windsurfing to young people aged 8 to 18, through schools, youth groups and training centres.   JMST seeks to help young sailors and youth sailing organisations to achieve their goals and was set up in the memory of leading Olympic sailor and 1996 Olympic silver medallist John Merricks.  

As official RYA OnBoard Charity Partner, over the next five years the JMST will donate more than 50 single-handed junior pathway boats and boards to promising OnBoard sailors. Each year at least one young sailor will be selected from each of the nine RYA Zones and Home Countries, to receive two years of exclusive use of the boat which has been donated by the Trust.  

Bishop Skinner Marine has kindly agreed to insure all of the donated boats and boards for the two year period the youngsters will be campaigning.  

For more information about how to get involved in sailing visit the RYA’s website or the OnBoard website   

For more information about the JMST visit