Recently Updated Documentation

July 1, 2014
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Google Advertising ID FAQs ​ Q: What is the Google Advertising ID and why do I have to use it? The advertising ID is a user-specific, unique, resettable ID for advertising, provided by Google Play Services. It gives users better controls and provides developers with a simple, standard system to continue to...
Location and Keyword Data Passing Location and Keyword Data Passing [Android] Data passing would allow for more relevant and targeted ad content to be displayed to the user. Currently MoPub is able to allow for location and keywords data to be passed. Location Passing Android will automatically pass...
Reporting Categories and Metrics Descriptions When running a report ( How to Run Reports), you can report on six categories and include desired metrics. The following are categories on which you can report: App Ad Unit Priority Line Item Type Order Line Item Creative Month...
Checking the MoPub SDK Version Checking the MoPub SDK Version As a best practice, we recommend that you update to the most recent version of the MoPub SDK every time you push an update to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. To check the version of the SDK that is currently integrated in your...
Ads Demo - JavaScript/MRAID Ad Tag Testing [Android] Ads Demo - JavaScript/MRAID Ad Tag Testing [Android] Testing JavaScript/MRAID Ad Tags create a new Order - ‘TestOrder1’ within TestOrder1 create a new line item - ‘TestLineItem1...
Ads Demo - JavaScript/MRAID Ad Tag Testing [iOS] Ads Demo - JavaScript/MRAID Ad Tag Testing [iOS] Testing JavaScript/MRAID Ad Tags Create a new order - ‘TestOrder1’​ Within TestOrder1 create a new Line Item - ‘TestLineItem1...
Orders & Line Items Setup An Order is a set of Line Items, usually created for an ad campaign. The Order targets one or more Ad Units to display creatives After logging into, go to your ‘Orders’ tab. Click on the ‘Add a New Order’ button at the top right. Name your Order, drop in the...
Order & Line Item Types Order Types There are four campaign types that MoPub supports to help with creating ad serving strategies. MoPub prioritizes Orders in the following sequence: guaranteed, promotional, networks, Marketplace, and then backfill promotional. Within each category of Orders, CPM is...
Ad Unit FAQ Ad creatives not always displaying within ad unit during testing on simulator/emulator When the ad unit begins receiving traffic again, a short delay will occur as information gets loaded onto the ad server machines. Click ‘Load Ad’ a few times to receive a proper response from the...
Custom Native Network Setup Custom Native Network Setup MoPub supports 3rd party Ad Network SDKs through a Custom Native Network implementation. If an Ad Network not listed provides their solution through an SDK, the network may be integrated leveraging MoPub’s Custom Events. The integration of Custom...
Marketplace Setup Marketplace Setup The MoPub Marketplace is a self-service, real-time bidding exchange for mobile apps and web sites. It enables publishers like you to plug in to more demand sources on the MoPub platform. It is essential for publishers to properly set up the Marketplace. For more...
Ad Network Setup MoPub allows for the set-up and management of multiple Ad Networks through the MoPub Dashboard. Ad Networks will serve ads to the ad unit ID that is referenced. From within the dashboard, click the Networks tab. From your Network tab, click “Add a Network” MoPub...
Ad Serving Sequence and CPM Values Change CPMs and re-order the “waterfall” for a specific ad unit using the ‘Quick Edit’ function in the MoPub Dashboard tab. The ad unit waterfall is the sequence in which network ad sources are requested to fill each impression for a particular ad unit ID from within an application...
Orders & Line Items Settings Orders & Line Items Settings Within MoPub’s dashboard, Orders & Line Item settings can be adjusted on different ad sources for a particular ad unit. Line item types include Guaranteed (G), Network (N), MoPub Marketplace (M), Promotional (P), Non-Guaranteed (NG), or Backfill...
AdMarvel Integration AdMarvel SDK When using the AdMarvel SDK, passing IFA and AndroidID can dramatically affect Marketplace performance. The versions below are certified to work correctly with Marketplace: iOS: AdMarvel SDK version 3.0.1 and higher is required to pass IDFA Android: All...
Create an Ad Unit Ad Unit Creation Your application will require one or more Ad Units in order to show ads. From your Inventory tab, click “Add a New App” Select your platform choice in the Device Format section Select Ad...
Add an Application to the Dashboard Add an application to MoPub Dashboard To target ads to your application, add the application of interest into the MoPub dashboard. From your Inventory tab, click “Add a New App.” Platform: Select the OS you wish your application to target. Options:...
Forecasting Overview Overview of Forecasting MoPub’s Forecasting feature allows you to visualize inventory and quickly evaluate available impressions based on inventory that has already been booked. A Guaranteed Line Item should be used for any campaigns that include inventory sold directly...
June 27, 2014
Document Description
How To Integrate InMobi Using Custom Events For your convenience, we have included Custom Event classes written to support InMobi’s SDK. Android   You can copy the two files ( and from the Android/extras/src/com/mopub/mobileads/ directory and place them in your project. The files can be...
How To Integrate Greystripe Using Custom Events For your convenience, we have included examples of Custom Event classes written for the Greystripe third-party network.   Android   You may copy the following files from the Android/extras/src/com/mopub/mobileads/ directory and place them in your project with minimal modification:...