API Status

As of 17:25 UTC (11:25 AM Pacific) on January 14, 2014, api.twitter.com requires SSL/TLS for all connections. More information: Restricting api.twitter.com to SSL/TLS traffic

Recently closed issues

ID Summary Status Last update
#1653 Access token issue (can't generate or renew). Closed 6 weeks 6 days
ETA: Unknown
#1648 Getting a lot more 420s on the streaming API than usual Closed 7 weeks 1 day
ETA: Within a week
#292 Unable to Authenticate using XAuth Closed 7 weeks 1 day
ETA: Unknown
#294 sudden 401 responses with xAuth Closed 7 weeks 1 day
ETA: Unknown
#1647 Is there an ETA for when the userstream service will be available again? Closed 7 weeks 2 days
ETA: Unknown