Recently Updated Documentation

December 3, 2013
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Which languages are supported by embedded widgets? Widgets are available in 28 of the languages supported by Twitter's website and clients. The language is determined automatically from the page a widget is embedded upon: That is, an HTML lang attribute on the embed code element or an ancestor determines the language of the widget chrome. Ideally...
What happens if has an error or is over capacity? The Tweet Button and Follow Button are hosted on high performance content distribution networks, and are separate from This means if goes down your site will not be affected, and the button will still display. When a user clicks the button, the Tweet or User Intent is...
Which browsers do Twitter for Websites widgets support? Twitter for Websites widgets are tested and supported in most popular browsers. Browsers which are fully supported are: Chrome 4 Firefox 4 Safari 5 Opera 10 Internet Explorer 8 Mobile Safari 5 Android 4 Other, older browsers—such as Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3, and Android 2.x—are partially...
December 2, 2013
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Cards Markup Tag Reference The table in this section explains the OpenGraph fallback behavior for each Twitter tag. Overview of all Twitter Card Tags Property Card Value OpenGraph Fallback twitter:card all summary,...
November 25, 2013
Document Description
Integrating with Twitter on iOS The official iOS SDK includes a framework that enables your iOS applications to leverage the power of Twitter. This framework removes many of the common obstacles encountered when accessing Twitter's API, including authentication and Tweet composition, and allows developers to focus on more...
November 12, 2013
Document Description
Custom Timelines Custom timelines give you more control over how Tweets are organized and delivered on the Twitter platform. Twitter has typically been organized into a few standard timelines: home contains Tweets from accounts you follow, search contains Tweets that match a keyword or term, the user timeline...
November 5, 2013
Document Description
Streaming message types Public stream messages Blank lines Status deletion notices (delete) Location deletion notices (scrub_geo) Limit notices (limit) Withheld content notices (status_withheld, user_withheld) Disconnect messages (disconnect) Stall warnings (warning) User stream messages Friends lists (...
October 29, 2013
Document Description
埋め込みツイート English | 日本語 概要 埋め込みツイートを使うと、自分の記事やウェブサイトのコンテンツにツイートを埋め込むことができます。ツイートは写真、ビデオ、記事の概要などの追加メディアと一緒に埋め込まれ、リツイートやお気に入り登録の件数などもリアルタイムで表示されます。埋め込みツイートはインタラクティブに操作でき、埋め込みツイートを読んだユーザーは、ツイートしたユーザーのフォロー、返信、リツイート、お気に入り登録を、ページ上で直接行うことができます。 このドキュメントでは、自分のウェブサイトで埋め込みツイートを使う方法と、...
Developer Display Requirements Introduction The power of Twitter is in the network of people using it, and its ability to bring users closer to what's most meaningful to them. When we first launched, Tweets were simple 140 character updates. However, as Twitter evolved, so too has the way that users view and interact with...
October 28, 2013
Document Description
About Geo Place Attributes Geo Place Attributes Place Attributes are metadata about places. An attribute is a key-value pair of arbitrary strings, but with some conventions. Well-known attributes There are a number of well-known place attributes which may, or may not exist in the returned data. These attributes are...
Places Places are specific, named locations with corresponding geo coordinates. They can be attached to Tweets by specifying a place_id when tweeting. Tweets associated with places are not necessarily issued from that location but could also potentially be about that location. Places can be searched for....
GET geo/similar_places Locates places near the given coordinates which are similar in name.
October 24, 2013
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Embedded Timelines Most Frequent Problems (and their solution) Get the latest version First, make sure you got the new embedded timeline (widget) code from
October 18, 2013
Document Description
How do I identify and work with retweets? In v1.1 APIs, retweeted tweets are expressed through nested objects. If you encounter a tweet object that contains a retweeted_status node, the tweet represents a retweet. The embedded retweeted_status is the tweet that has been retweeted and the outer object represents the retweet event itself....
October 9, 2013
Document Description
Using Reverse Auth While the Twitter framework for iOS provides an incredibly easy way to make authenticated calls on behalf of a user to the Twitter API, you may find the need to process a user’s Twitter data on your server. To faciliate this, Twitter provides an endpoint that allows you to obtain the user's OAuth...
GET statuses/oembed Returns information allowing the creation of an embedded representation of a Tweet on third party sites. See the oEmbed specification for information about the response format. While this endpoint allows a bit of customization for the final appearance of the embedded Tweet, be aware that the...
October 8, 2013
Document Description
Using the Tweet Sheet Overview The Tweet Sheet The Social framework includes a powerful all-in-one class for composing Tweets called SLComposeViewController, also known as the "Tweet Sheet". The Tweet Sheet provides multiple mechanisms that enhance the user experience that previously required developer...
Migrating tokens to system accounts Overview It is very common for applications to have previously verified and stored Twitter users' access tokens, either through an existing iOS application or via a server-side integration. Thankfully, it is easy to migrate these access tokens to the device so that you can take advantage of the...
API requests with SLRequest Overview SLRequest is a class in the Social.framework for iOS that encapsulates HTTP requests to Twitter’s REST API. This class supercedes the Twitter.framework's TWRequest from iOS5. How do I perform requests with SLRequest ? Executing a request to Twitter's REST API is a 3 step process: First...
Frequently Asked Questions Why do I receive authentication errors when using SLRequest? Are Social.framework status updates' URLs automatically wrapped in Why is my application attributed as "from iOS" instead of "from <my application>" on I'm seeing strange crashes when...