Grade reporting

Course grades are sent to the registrar through our grade submission system, and are due by 10am on their due date.

What's a grade sheet?

A grade sheet contains the names of all students officially registered for a course on the generated date. Once generated, grade sheet information won't change, though a student's grading or registration status may.

Grade sheets are available one to two weeks before the last class day of a semester or summer term. Recorded grades may be verified online through the last day of grade reporting. Grades submitted online are available for review by instructors of record and their designees.

Submitted grade sheets become permanent University documents.

Grade sheet due dates. The due date appears at the top of the sheet. Grade sheets become unavailable after the grade reporting period designated in the Course Schedule.

Student access to grades. Students may see their grades online the day after grades have been sent to the registrar beginning on the evening of the last class day of a semester or summer term.

For more information

To learn more, see Grading symbols and details or Questions about grade reporting. For more about academic regulations, see current University catalogs and the Course Schedule.

Contact us

  • Student Academic Records
  • 512 475-7644
  • Main Bldg room 1, Registrar Records M5505 | off campus: The University of Texas at Austin, Office of the Registrar, Student Academic Records, PO Box 7216, Austin TX 78713-7216
