Najprodavaniji filmovi u žanru Klasici

Moje pjesme, moji snovi

Moje pjesme, moji snovi američki je mjuzikl iz 1965. kojeg je režirao Robert Wise. Film se temelji na istinitoj priči o Mariji Von Trapp i grupi koja je u Americi djelovala pod nazivom Trapp Family Singers.
Film je zaradio 158,7 milijuna $ u američkim kinima te je tako postao najkomercijalniji film 1960-ih. (Izvor: Wikipedija,_moji_snovi_(1965.), CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Dobar, loš, zao

Dobar, loš, zao je talijanski epski špageti-vestern Sergia Leonea iz 1966. s Clintom Eastwoodom, Lee Van Cleefom i Elijem Wallachom u glavnim ulogama. Scenarij su napisali Age i Scarpelli, Luciano Vincenzoni i Leone, a temelji se na priči Vincenzonija i Leonea. Slavni soundtrack za film skladao je Ennio Morricone. To je treći film iz "dolarske trilogije", koju još čine filmovi Za šaku dolara i Za dolar više. Film govori o trojici revolveraša koji tragaju za zakopanim zlatom vojske Konfederacije u kaosu obračuna, vješanja, Građanskog rata i zatvoreničkog logora.
Premijerno prikazan u Italiji 23. prosinca 1966., a u SAD-u 29. prosinca 1967., film je zaradio oko 6 milijuna dolara, ali je često bio kritiziran zbog prikaza nasilja. Leone je to objasnio ovako: "Ubijanja u mojim filmovima su pretjerana jer sam htio napraviti poluhumornu satiru vesterna koji govore o potrazi za blagom... Zapad je nastao na nasilju koje su provodili priprosti muškarci, a ja sam tu snagu i jednostavnost htio pretočiti u svoje filmove." Dobar, loš, zao opisivan je u europskim kinima kao najbolji predstavnik vestern žanra, a Quentin Tarantino ga je nazvao "najbolje režiranim filmom svih vremena". (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)


21 je američki dramski film redatelja Roberta Luketica iz 2008.

Sedmorica veličanstvenih

Sedmorica veličanstvenih je američki vestern film redatelja Johna Sturgesa iz 1960. godine.


Metropolis je slavni njemački nijemi znanstveno fantastični film kojega je režirao austrijski redatelj Fritz Lang. Smatra se jednim od velikih klasika kinematografije. Film je produciran u Njemačkoj u doba Weimarske Republike i s prikazivanjem je započeo 1927. Bio je to do tada najskuplji nijemi film i stajao je otprilike 5 milijuna Reichsmaraka. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Za šaku dolara

Za šaku dolara je talijanski špageti-western Sergia Leonea iz 1964. s Clintom Eastwoodom. U SAD-u je film objavljen tek 1967. te je inicirao popularnost novog žanra, špageti-vesterna. Film je dobio i neslužbene nastavke, Za dolar više i Dobar, loš, zao, u kojima je također nastupio Eastwood. Sva tri filma poznata su kao cjelina kao "dolarska trilogija". Ovaj film je svojevrsna obrada Tjelesne straže Akire Kurosawe. U sva tri filma Eastwood se pojavljuje u sličnoj ulozi, kao usamljeni revolveraš bez imena. Zbog toga je studio United Artists promotivno nazvao njegov lik Čovjek bez imena.
Kako je ovo bio prvi film iz žanra špageti-vesterna u Americi, mnogi europski glumci i filmska ekipa uzeli su američka umjetnička imena. Tako je Sergio Leone bio poznat kao "Bob Robertson", Gian Maria Volonte kao "Johnny Wels", a skladatelj Ennio Morricone kao "Dan Savio".
Za šaku dolara i njegova dva nastavka snimljeni su u španjolskoj pokrajini Almeriji. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Topovi s Navaronea

Topovi s Navaronea je ratni film J. Lee Thompsona iz 1961. s Gregoryjem Peckom, Davidom Nivenom i Anthonyjem Quinnom u glavnim ulogama. Temeljen je na istoimenom romanu škotskog pisca Alistaira MacLeana iz 1957. Knjiga i film imaju sličnu radnju: saveznička ekipa komandosa pokušava uništiti naizgled neosvojivu njemačku tvrđavu koja prijeti savezničkim mornaričkim brodovima u Egejskom moru i sprječava dvije tisuće izoliranih britanskih vojnika od spašavanja. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

West Side Story

Westside story is the award winning adaptation of the classic romantic tragedy, Romeo and Juliette. The feuding families become two warring New York City gangs- the white Jets led by Riff and the Puerto Rican Sharks, led by Bernardo. Their hatred escalates to a point where neither can coexist with any form of understanding. But when Riff's best friend (and former Jet) Tony and Bernardo's younger sister Maria meet at a dance, no one can do anything to stop their love. Maria and Tony begin meeting in secret, planning to run away. Then the Skarks and Jets plan a rumble under the highway - whoever wins gains control of the streets. Maria sends Tony to stop it, hoping it can end the violence. It goes terribly wrong, and before the lovers know what's happened, tragedy strikes and doesn't stop until the climatic and heartbreaking ending.

The King and I

This visual and musical masterpiece features Yul Brynner's Academy Award®-winning performance, an unforgettable Rodgers and Hammerstein® score, and brilliant choreography by Jerome Robbins. It tells the true story of an Englishwoman, Anna Leonowens (Deborah Kerr), who comes to Siam as schoolteacher to the royal court in the 1860's. Though she soon finds herself at odds with the stubborn monarch (Brynner), over time, Anna and the King stop trying to change each other and begin to understand one another.

The Bible

The greatest stories of the Old Testament are brought to the screen with astounding scope and power in this international film which depicts the first 22 chapters of Genesis. This is the spectacular story of man's creation, his fall, his survival and his indomitable faith in the future. From the film's opening amidst cosmic chaos, to its lingering message of hope and salvation, The Bible stands as a monumental motion picture achievement. Legendary director John Huston lends his talents to create a movie of epic proportions.


Set in the Oklahoma Territory in the early 1900's, this joyous celebration of frontier life is a story of tender romance and dangerous passion. Gordon MacRae is Curly, a sunny, good-natured ranch hand, and Shirley Jones is Laurey Williams, the farmer's daughter he loves. Rod Steiger is he menacing Jud, who tries to comes between them. The first Rodgers and Hammerstein collaboration, this Academy Award® winner for Best Score features the classic songs "Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'," "The Surrey With The Fringe On Top" and "People Will Say We're In Love."


Hazarder je drama iz 1961. o sitnom biljarskom izazivaču, "Brzom Eddieju" Felsonu, i njegovoj želji da se dokaže kao najbolji igrač u zemlji tako što će poraziti legendarnog "Minnesota Fatsa". Nakon što je izgubio od Fatsa i povezao se s beskrupuloznim menadžerom Bertom Gordonom, Eddie se vraća i porazi Fatsa, ali tek nakon što je platio užasnu osobnu cijenu.
Hazarder je adaptacija istoimenog romana Waltera Tevisa iz 1959. Sidney Carroll i Robert Rossen adaptirali su roman za film. Rossen je režirao film, sniman na lokaciji u New Yorku. U glavnim ulogama pojavljuju se Paul Newman kao Eddie Felson, Jackie Gleason kao Minnesota Fats, Piper Laurie kao Sarah i George C. Scott kao Bert.
Film je postigao veliki kritički i komercijalni uspjeh te stekao status modernog klasika. Svojim prikazom pobjeđivanja, poraza i karakterizacije zaradio je brojne velike nagrade; često mu se pripisuje zasluga za oživljavanje zanimanja za biljar. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)


Kleopatra je britansko-američko-švicarski dramski film redatelja Josepha L. Mankiewicza iz 1963. godine


Frankenstein je SF film Jamesa Whalea iz 1931. djelomično temeljen na istoimenom romanu Mary Shelley. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte

Charlotte Hollis, wealthy southern spinster, is shunned by her community for the grizzly murder some 40 years prior of her intended, John Mayhew. Even though her guilt in the matter was never proven, the townspeople liken her to a modern-day Lizzie Borden. The murders are similar in nature and the children even taunt her with cruel rhymes. For this reason she lives a life secluded from the mainstream of society. Her needs are cared for by her faithful servant, Velma. Now, progress in the guise of new highway construction threatens the Hollis plantation, her home and the family domicile since Civil War times. She refuses to leave when she is issued an eviction notice by the Sheriff and even takes pot shots at the highwaymen when they encroach upon her property line. Charlotte summons "Cousin Miriam" to fight the public battle to save her home. To her chagrin, Miriam has come with the intention of assisting with the packing -- not to save the mansion from the bulldozers. After Charlotte, Miriam is
the sole heir to the Hollis estate. This is motive enough for Miriam to have Charlotte committed for her strange and
reclusive behavior. But, is Charlotte insane? Doctor Drew seems to feel she may need some help across the threshold of insanity.

All Quiet on the Western Front

Relive the drama, conflict and power of one of the most influential anti-war films ever made - All Quiet on the Western Front. Universal's first Best Picture Academy Award® winner is now available in its original glory completely restored by the Library of Congress. Follow a group of idealistic young men as they join the German Army during World War I and are assigned to the Western Front, where their patriotism is destroyed by the harsh realities of combat. The hard-hitting, timeless masterpiece returns with stunning visual enhancement to its deserving place in film history! "****! Time hasn't dimmed its power, or poignancy, one bit." (Leonard Maltin)

Another Thin Man

Not even the joys of parenthood can stop married sleuths Nick and Nora Charles from investigating a murder on a Long Island estate.

Now, Voyager

A tender love story, a taut psychological drama, an inspiring tale of physical and spiritual transformation. Now, Voyager is all three, as well as a Bette Davis career milestone, resulting in her sixth Best Actress Oscar nomination. She magically plays Charlotte Vale, a spinster who defies her domineering mother (fellow Oscar nominee Gladys Cooper) to discover love, heartbreak and eventual contentment.

More magic is generated by a top-notch ensemble, Max Steiner?s Academy Award-winning score and an improvised moment by Paul Henreid that became an instant classic: he lights two cigarettes at once and hands one to Davis. For the ultimate in romantic melodrama, it?s Now Voyager now, then and forever.


Apartman je američka romantična komedija/ drama iz 1960. koju je režirao Billy Wilder, a koja govori o zaposleniku u New Yorku koji napreduje u svojem poslu zahvaljujuči činjenici što svojim šefovima koji imaju ljubavne afere stalno daje apartman na raspolaganje. Film je osvojio Zlatni globus, nagradu BAFTA i Oscara. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Dan kad je Zemlja stala

Dan kad je Zemlja stala je američki znanstveno-fantastični film iz 1951. godine, koji je režirao Robert Wise. Film ima snažnu antiratnu poruku i ukazuje na bezumlje i apsurd hladnoratovske politike. U središtu priče je izvanzemaljac, koji stanovnicima Zemlje pokušava prenijeti poruku o kojoj ovisi budućnost Zemlje. Ovo je klasični ZF film pedesetih godina, koji je inspirirao mnoge kasnije filmove o invaziji izvanzemaljaca. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

South Pacific

Rodgers and Hammerstein's Academy Award®-winning "South Pacific" is a towering musical masterpiece and the tender love story of a naive young Navy nurse (Mitzi Gaynor) and an older French Plantation owner (Rossano Brazzi) on a U.S. occupied South Sea island. The breathtaking score is highlighted by some of the most romantic songs ever written: "Some Enchanted Evening," "There is Nothin' Like a Dame," "Younger Than Springtime" and more. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, South Pacific ranks among the most celebrated of Rodgers and Hammerstein's acclaimed musicals.

State Fair

Rodgers and Hammerstein's only score written expressly for the screen highlights this delightful film about an Iowa family's adventures at the fair. The Frakes, a farming family, go to the Iowa State Fair to show the father's prize hog, Blue Boy, and enjoy the big event of the year. On the first day, both sourpuss daughter Margy and her brother Wayne find new romance, as does Blue Boy. As the fair proceeds, so do the romances! Includes the Academy Award®-winning songs It Might as Well be Spring and It's A Grand Night for Singing.

Sve o Evi

Sve o Evi je američka drama iz 1950. godine koju je napisao i režirao Joseph L. Mankiewicz, a koja se temelji na kratkoj priči "The Wisdom of Eve" autorice Mary Orr iz 1946. godine.
U filmu su glavne uloge ostvarile Bette Davis kao Margo Channing, visoko cijenjena, ali ostarjela Broadwayska glumica i Anne Baxter kao Eve Harrington, mlada obožavateljica glumice koja ulazi u njezin život i uskoro zaprijeti njezinoj karijeri i privatnim odnosima. George Sanders, Celeste Holm, Hugh Marlowe, Barbara Bates, Gary Merrill i Thelma Ritter također glume u filmu u kojem je jednu od svojih najranijih uloga ostvarila Marilyn Monroe.
U vrijeme njegove kino distribucije, filmska kritika pisala je hvalospjeve, a sam film nominiran je za rekordnih 14 nagrada Oscar od kojih je osvojio njih 6, uključujući one za najbolji film i najboljeg redatelja. Sve o Evi do danas je jedini film u povijesti čije su čak četiri glumice nominirane za nagradu Oscar. 1990. godine Sve o Evi postao je jedan od prvih 50 filmova odabranih za očuvanje u nacionalnom filmskom registru SAD-a. 1998. godine na listi najboljih američkih filmova svih vremena Američkog filmskog instituta, Sve o Evi zauzeo je 16. mjesto. (Izvor: Wikipedija, CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Shadow of the Thin Man

A jockey who threw a race is murdered in the locker room. "My, they're strict at this track!" Nora Charles exclaims. With that, she (Myrna Loy) and hubby Nick (William Powell) are off to the races on another case of murder, mirth and perfect martinis. Highlights of this fourth Thin Man include a visit to the arena for the evening's wrasslin' and dinner at Mario's Grotto where, no matter what anyone wants, the waiter insists upon the sea bass. As in all films in the series, the supporting cast is extraordinary, with Sam Levene, Barry Nelson, Donna Reed, Henry O'Neill and Stella Adler among Shadow's heroes and possible villains. Red herrings abound. But we still recommend the sea bass.