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YouTube Creators

Announcements from YouTube  - 
Get smart! Grow your audience with our two-week Creator Academy boot camp  #YTCABootcamp
NixToP wallberg's profile photo
Hey guys im William aka NixToP70,
 a Gamer that are up for collabs and plays minecraft and lots of more! I dont have the biggest channel but im up for a collaboration if anyone is interested! //your dear friend Nix
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Hello there!
So, I have been trying to make a decision and this is not going so well. I thought I would try to get a range of opinions and see what I can come up with! 

I don't know what I want my thumbnails on my videos should be. I know it seems like a basic problem...but my old videos just have screen captures of something happening in the video, which is not very interesting...and my newer videos have had title card-thingys. If you could look at my channel and let me know what you think would look best I would really appreciate it! 

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The Shark

Introduction  - 
Hey Guys!
I am The Shark and I make Grand Theft Auto V videos on Youtube :)
Checkout my Google+ Community below to checkout some of my videos and keep updated with new things coming soon, or checkout some GTA V screenshots while your there :)

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Introduction  - 
Hey my knee grows.......
and Hi im new to this google+ thing but it has pulled my attention and i may have to come back when i start making videos...but for now i'll stick to commenting... :)
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#eBooks | You're doing a great job with setting up your brand new #YouTube #Channel. Maybe, you have already have a YouTube Channel and looking into this section just to learn how to upload a profile picture[...]

Section 3 (Online) |

Section 3 (PDF) |
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Hey!! I started my channel a half year ago. I make lyrics, music videos and more... Check it out 😉 My name is Natis Lyricworld

One of my videos:
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Introduction  - 
hi, my name is evan!  my some videos is bit too crazy :D
echen527's profile photoT³ Tips Tricks Tests's profile photo
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Introduction  - 
Hey everyone. My name is Taffie and I'm just starting out with my channel. Any advice? ☺️
Da Gamer's profile photoT³ Tips Tricks Tests's profile photo
Apply the tips from YouTube Creator Playbook, YouTube Creator Academy and visit the current YouTube Creator Academy Boot Camp.
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How to access #Youtube search engine from the command line on #pcDuino Ubuntu 
Youtube There is going to be a lot of Google in this list. I will try to keep it as minimal as possible, but there is no escape. YouTube is for a lot o ...
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Let's Collab! I create ___ videos  - 
Hey guys! I'm looking for people around the age of 16 to start a collaboration channel! I'm looking for about 6 people.
Comment below if interested :) Or email me at
Patrick Nguyen's profile photoSimplyMeganMarie's profile photo
+Patrick Nguyen Hey I watched a few of your videos, you seem pretty awesome! Can you email me? 
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Gina Allen

Question  - 
hello, i was wondering if anyone could help me out with how i can verify my youtube/google+ account with the little blue tick? 
Culblu Dota's profile photowadafup's profile photo
The blue tick your referring too is a "verified account" tick If I'm not mistaken. This is used to let people know that the account is that user/personalities actual account, and not a fake one. 

While I will agree with you that the "verified" symbol likely does pique some users' interest, I do not agree that it will pull in that many new viewers.

I hold fast by the belief that community is the answer to pulling in new viewers. If people find that your interest  align with some of their own, then there's a high chance that they will flock to your content. If those people that initially flocked to your content have a reason to get exicted for the things that you produce / do for the community, then there's a high chance that they will sing your praises all over.

Real life example: I have a viewer that found out about me through my interactions in a community forum. Soon they found out that I take request from the community, and they decided to submit a few of their own. Satisfied with the content that was produced featuring them, they told their friends to check it out. Fast forward to today, I'm in a situation where one of their friends like the content I produced, and decided to submit one of their own to me.

Because of my interaction with the community, not only was 1 excited subscriber created, but 2 were created essentially based on word of mouth. As an added bonus, I also had an easy time producing that content because the viewers essentially gave me the material to work with :3
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About this community

Welcome to the official YouTube Creator community. This is a community for highly engaged creators and YouTube community representatives to discuss hot topics, create meaningful collaborations, and have some fun! SUGGESTIONS: - Start with a post to introduce yourself. When posting, choose "Introductions" as the category topic. - Adjust your G+ settings. By default, you may receive email communication for new posts. We think that's a bit much. GUIDELINES: - Please no blatant self-promotion/channel linking. - Please honor the privacy of this community and don't share personal or sensitive topics outside of this safe place. - No spamming. You know what this means. - Please do not post inappropriate content to this community. Repeat offenders may be removed from the community. Please note that Community Moderators reserve the right to ban users and remove content at any time. Please read the G+ Guidelines in the link below.
Hey everybody - I am new to this community! So glad there is a space where we can all collectively come together and share videos, ideas, and help one another!
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Fun Fact  - 
Arcmatter here Thx to all who have posted to me and giving me good advice and input on my channel .I see the light.
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Critique my video (helpfully!)  - 
Hiya guys, i am new to youtube and id love it if you guys checked out my video! Thankyou so much
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so i have gotten some questions on thumbnails and i made a video to help out anyone who has a hard time with thumbnails i hope this helps
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Hi there my name is Peter Lessani. I am a YouTuber and Gamer and was wondering what methods could I use in order to expand my audience for my YouTube channel without spamming or anoying people. I like to think my content is good and the feedback I had given to me is awesome but there is still the expanding audience problem.
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My YouTube logo is above. GAMER. Anyone make logos. HOGz Sentinel is the name I need. I can do thumbnails etc. But epic fail on logo. Any budding designer fancy designing a logo for me
T³ Tips Tricks Tests's profile photoBrendan Cross-Williams's profile photo
Ok. So not as bas as I thought. I will redo and look for feedback tomorrow. Your comment appreciated. 
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Mark Sohan

Introduction  - 
What's up. My name is Mark and I'm about to hit 2 years as a YouTuber. I have recently crossed the 4K sub mark and what to continue to prosper. My channel is centered around tech because I have a passion for technology. Nice to be part of this community :) 
Arcmatter's profile photo
+Mark Sohan to your Circle i meant Thx
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Trevin Shu

Introduction  - 
Hey Guys My Name Is Trevin I Make Tech Videos! I Cover ROMS | Apps | Games | Howto's/Tutorials & Much Much More So Please Go Over To My Channel & Check It Out & Tell Me How I Did & What I Should Do In The Future & As Always PLZ SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!
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Hey do you guys have any tips for a starting youtuber??

Thanks ~Simply Steph
wadafup's profile photoSimplyMeganMarie's profile photo
what the hell are these +1'd and communities and circles i dont get it :(.........oh yeah and me and my friends were going to do pranks on another channel but i think weve missed the bus :( 
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