Picture of The Norhtern Lights

What’s on your bucket list?

We sat down with the nation to talk about YOUR ultimate bucket list and boy did we learn a lot! The nation has spoken and decided that a combination of dream trips to discover the rest of the world and experiences which can be shared are preferred to designer goods.

We asked you where you’d most like to go, and you told us overwhelmingly that The Northern Lights were your number one. Guess it’s not all about the sunshine?!  Followingly closely behind, you’d love to make a splash at Niagara Falls or peer into the seemingly never ending Grand Canyon.

As a nation our giving nature has shone through, with raising £1million for charity and rescuing stray cats and dogs featuring promeminently in most bucket lists. Unsurprisingly, retiring comfortably was also on the list.

The finer things in life made the list, five star hotels and first class flights are both things Brit’s dream of experiencing! With all that travelling, you’ve definitely worked up an appetite, which might explain why dining in Michelin starred restaurants have made the list!

Anyway, enough rambling, here’s the part you’ve been waiting for, the list in full. Are any of these on YOUR bucket list?! Tell us on Twitter  or Facebook.

  1. See the Northern Lights
  2. Retire comfortably
  3. Niagara Falls, Canada
  4. The pyramids in Egypt
  5. Grand Canyon
  6. Great Wall of China
  7. Houses for all my family
  8. Fly first class
  9. Go on a cruise
  10. Norwegian Fjords
  11. Earn a million pounds
  12. Statue of Liberty, New York
  13. Go on safari
  14. Spend the night at the Ritz /Burj Al Arab  / Caesars Palace  Luxury Hotel
  15. Taj Mahal, India
  16. Machu Picchu, Peru
  17. Coliseum in Rome
  18. Learn a foreign language
  19. Swim with dolphins
  20. Sydney Harbour Bridge
  21. A villa in a hot country
  22. Drive Route 66 across America
  23. A swimming pool at my house
  24. Design/build my own house
  25. Rescue a dog or cat from a home
  26. Live abroad
  27. Go on a hot air balloon
  28. Open an animal sanctuary
  29. Leaning Tower of Pisa
  30. Drink cocktails at Raffles Hotel in Singapore
  31. Ride in a helicopter
  32. Eat at a Michelin star restaurant
  33. Stay on a private island
  34. Cars for all my family
  35. Arctic Circle
  36. Uluru (Australia)
  37. Play a musical instrument
  38. The Las Vegas strip
  39. A home cinema
  40. Raise over £1 million for charity
  41. Eiffel Tower
  42. Alaska
  43. Christ the Redeemer Statue, Rio
  44. See in New Year on Easter Island
  45. Take up a new hobby/learn new skills
  46. Buy a mansion
  47. Antarctica
  48. Get married
  49. Go scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef
  50. Go into space