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Directors and officers liability insurance

As a director or senior executive, every decision you make can potentially open you up personally to expensive claims and legal costs. We’ll work with you to ensure you have the directors and officers liability insurance cover in place to protect both your business and your personal assets.

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Growing regulation and an increasingly litigious society mean that your business and its directors face an ever-growing exposure to claims. With associated legal defence costs, even winning a legal case can be an expensive process.

While directors & officers liability may often be seen as expensive, and not core to business operations, claims can be made against the directors & officers within your organisation from your shareholders, fellow directors and employees through to your creditors, funders, customers and regulatory bodies. That’s why we offer a directors & officers liability insurance solution that should be as integral to your business as your other insurance covers.

Designed to provide cover for legal defence costs and, where appropriate, any final settlement or compensation award, our directors & officers liability insurance solutions cater for losses resulting from wrongful acts, including:

  • Damages, judgements, settlements, crisis costs, PR costs, prosecution and defence costs.
  • Legal representation expenses.
  • Costs arising from extradition proceedings.
  • Tax contributions where the company has become insolvent and personal liability ensues.
  • Actions between directors of the same company.
  • Employment-related wrongful acts.
  • Whistle blowing.
  • Pollution defence costs.

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Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

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