Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Power Station

About this project

The proposal is for a nuclear power station with two nuclear reactors capable of generating a total of up to 3,260MW of electricity at Hinkley Point C and associated development.

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Recent activity

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Decision made by the Secretary of State
19 March 2013
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The Examining Authority has issued its recommendation to the Secretary of State. A decision will be published on or before 19 March 2013. Please note that the Examining Authority’s recommendation will also be made available at that point.

19 December 2012
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Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate
19 December 2012
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The Panel has concluded its examination of the Hinkley Point C application and has sent a letter to Interested Parties.

Now that the examination is closed the Panel will no longer be able to receive written representations and submissions about this application.

The Panel must prepare a report on the application to the relevant Secretary of State, including a recommendation, within 3 months of the end of the six month examination period. The Secretary of State then has a further 3 months to make the decision on whether to grant or refuse development consent.

21 September 2012

What happens next

A decision on the application for a development consent order for Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Power Station was taken on 19 March 2013 and has now been issued. The statement of reasons can be viewed here.

The period for legal challenge is defined in s118 of the Planning Act 2008. Further information about legal challenge can be found in the letter sent to all interested parties accompanying the statement of reasons.

If you have any queries about the process please email the Planning Inspectorate at enquiries@infrastructure.gsi.gov.uk or telephone the helpdesk on 0303 444 5000.