Hinkley Point C Connection

About this project

National Grid Overhead Lines connector

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Recent activity

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Decision on whether or not to accept the application for examination
19 June 2014
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Application received by the Planning Inspectorate
28 May 2014

What happens next

Once the applicant has published and notified people of an accepted application, the Planning Inspectorate has approximately three months to prepare for the examination. During this stage, you will be able to register to become an interested party on the application. You will always have at least 28 days to register with us.

View the acceptance letter

When to register

  • We will publish the date when you can start to register, the date will be made available in the box at the top of this page. We will tell you when registration ends in the same place.
  • When registration begins, a link will appear at the top of this page where you will be able to register online.

During the pre-examination stage, you will be able to:

  • View the application documents at our website (or contact us to find out where these can be viewed locally)
  • Provide your views in writing (at our website or by post) (this is time limited towards the beginning of this period).
  • Read the views of all who have registered to have their say on this proposal
  • Comment on the views that other people have provided
  • Attend the preliminary meeting
  • Request an open floor hearing is held and ask to speak at it

At the preliminary meeting, the Examining Authority will decide which issues the examination will focus upon and the timetable for the examination. These details will be sent to all who have registered a relevant representation and be published at this project page and will also be available on request from HPCConnection@infrastructure.gsi.gov.uk and our helpline: 0303 444 5000.