
We have made every effort to ensure the national infrastructure planning website is accessible to everyone no matter what browser you use and whether you have a disability or not.

This site conforms to the governments guidelines for websites. It also has been developed and tested to Level Double-A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 1.0.

Maintaining the site accessibility is an ongoing process and we continue to aim to make the website experience as user friendly as possible. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, or if you have difficulty using any part of it, please contact us.

Help using the site

Text size

Users can easily change the text size using their browser settings.

For more information and help on changing your browser settings, visit the BBC’s My Web My Way pages.

Software to open documents

This website links to documents and files in a number of formats. You may need special software to read some of these files.

The links below enable you to download free software to allow you to open these files.
For PDFs – Adobe Reader
For Word documents – Free viewer for Microsoft Word
For Excel documents – Free viewer for Microsoft Excel
For Powerpoint presentations – Free viewer for Microsoft Powerpoint


All images on the site include alternative text (alt-text) which identifies the image or its function.

The alt-text will generally only be displayed if the browser’s automatic image loading feature is switched off.