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The Performance Pathway Team provides specialist knowledge for Olympic and Paralympic Talent and Development managers and coaches on the issues they face in identifying and developing our future generations of elite sporting talent.
Our Education work is designed to create a unique learning programme for Talent and Development managers and coaches. It harnesses insight, expertise and best practice examples, whether in sport or any other field of world class development. Over 30 world-leading experts from 10 different sectors have shared their experiences and parallels from the field of developing excellence with our sports.
Using organisations such as the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, the Yehudi Menuhin School of Music, the Royal Ballet School and the Royal College of Surgeons, encourages sports to benchmark themselves against the world’s best or ‘gold’ standard examples and ensure that they are continually creating world leading standards and opportunities.
The programme stimulates questions and answers such as:
- What can our sports’ performance pathway programmes learn from world renowned, institutions for developing excellence such as the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, the Yehudi Menuhin School, the Royal Ballet School and the Royal College of Surgeons?
- How similar is the identification process of elite athletes to astronauts?
- What are the parallels between tracking and benchmarking junior surgeons and mapping the trajectory of aspiring athletes?
The main method of delivery is through bespoke structured, two day-residential Masterclass workshops. These have been held on an array of topics unique to the developing athlete which include:
- Athlete profiling (capturing the characteristics that best predict medal success)
- Sports science and sport medicine services (bespoke to the developing athlete)
- Tracking and monitoring athlete progression
- Junior to senior transitions
- High performance parenting
- Academies of excellence for aspiring talent