Morpeth Northern Bypass

About this project

Construction of a single carriageway 3.8km long extending from Whorral Bank on the A197, to the north east of Morpeth, westward to the A1 trunk road to include separate cycleway/footway, new at-grade roundabout to be created at the intersection of the bypass with the existing A192 at Lane End. A new standard grade separated junction with slip roads and a dumbbell roundabout arrangement, to provide ‘all movements’ access to the A1 trunk road and a link to St. Leonard’s Lane. Construction of new bridges at Cotting Burn, How Burn and Kater Dene.

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Recent activity

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The ExA has issued an agenda for the hearing on 8 July 2014

30 June 2014
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The Examining Authority has sent two letters, giving notice of a hearing, making requests for information, and setting deadlines. The letters can be found here and here, and should be read together.

6 June 2014
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Responses to the Examining Authority’s second written questions have been published. The Planning Inspectorate has also given advice to the applicant.

12 May 2014
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The Examining Authority has issued its second round of written questions.

16 April 2014
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Submissions in response to the Examining Authority’s letter of 20 March 2014 have been published.

4 April 2014

What happens next

Notice of the procedural decision has been issued by the Examining authority to interested parties in the Rule 8 letter; this includes information about how the examination will be conducted and the timetable as currently set out.

Dates of the examination can also be viewed on the Examination Timetable page.

If you have a legal interest in land affected by a nationally significant infrastructure project and have not already registered to become an interested party, then you can make a request to the Examining Authority to become an interested party under s102A of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended).