Consents Service Unit

In September 2012, the Government announced a commitment to extend the one stop shop approach for non-planning consents for nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) dealt with under the provisions of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended).

To deliver this commitment, the Consents Service Unit, based in the Planning Inspectorate, became operational in April 2013.

What the Unit does

The purpose of the Consents Service Unit is to deliver a more efficient and effective non-planning consents process for NSIPs in England (including off-shore projects within English waters).

The Unit offers a bespoke service to developers. It provides a dedicated contact to work with the developer and the relevant consenting bodies, to co-ordinate a logical and systematic approach to the handling of a range of non-planning consents which are required in addition to the Development Consent Order (“the Order”) under the Planning Act 2008.

Government guidance highlights the presumption in favour of including, where possible, non planning consents within the scope of an Order. The Consents Service Unit will encourage this to happen as much as possible, however, its focus is on consents which remain, for whatever reason, outside the Order.

The Unit will not make decisions on issuing non-planning consents; the relevant technical expertise and resources will remain within the consenting bodies.

Further information

Consent Service Unit prospectusProspectus for Developers (Published May 2013)
Further information on the Consents Service Unit and its ways of working is set out in this prospectus.
Consent Service Unit FAQsFrequently asked questions (Published May 2013)
A series of answers to frequently asked questions about the Unit, its purpose and how it can help developers. These will be updated periodically.

Contact information

Consents Service Unit
Zone 3/18 Eagle Wing
The Planning Inspectorate
Temple Quay House
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN
Main enquiries line: 0303 444 5000 (please ask for the “Consents Service Unit”)