Atlantic Array Wind Farm

About this project

The development proposal comprises the construction and operation of up to 240 wind turbine generators (WTGs) with a maximum tip height of up to 220 metres, up to four offshore substations, up to five meteorological stations, inter-array cables that collect and transfer power generated by the WTGs to the offshore substations and export cables that take the electricity generated by the WTGs to shore.

The onshore electrical works consist of underground cables running from mean low water to the south of Westward Ho! at Cornborough Range to a new onshore substation adjacent to the National Grid substation at Alverdiscott in north Devon, and an underground connection between the two substations. Offsite highway works to accommodate the transport of abnormal loads to the onshore substation site are also proposed.

The wind farm is expected to have an installed capacity of up to 1,200 MW.

Visit developer’s website

Recent activity

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Preliminary Meeting takes place
10 December 2013
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Application withdrawal

On 26th November 2013, Channel Energy Ltd withdrew the application for the Atlantic Array Wind Farm.
Further information:

Letter from applicant confirming withdrawal of application
Channel Energy’s press statement
Notification of withdrawal of application from the Examining Authority

26 November 2013
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Relevant representations published on the website
25 September 2013
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Registration of interested parties closes
16 September 2013
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The Planning Inspectorate are holding events in Swansea, Pembroke Dock and North Devon to help people understand the planning process, when to register and how to make a representation. Click on the links to open the relevant poster for details of locations and dates.

23 August 2013

What happens next

This project has been withdrawn by the developer.