Hirwaun Power Station

About this project

A gas-fired power station with a nominal generating capacity of up to 299 MW

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Recent activity

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A late representation submitted during the pre-examination stage and accepted by the Examining Authority has been published

30 June 2014
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The Adequacy of Consultation Representations have been published.

6 June 2014
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Relevant representations published on the website
3 June 2014
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Registration of interested parties closes
29 May 2014
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The Planning Inspectorate has accepted an updated version of the Non-Technical Summary of the Environmental Statement that corrects specific information on where the Environmental Statement can be viewed, as required by section 20 of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) regulations. The corrections relate to paragraph 1.5.4 of the document.

Document 6.4.0 Revision 1 dated April 2014 replaces the superseded document 6.4.0 Revision 0 dated March 2014.

Document 6.4.1 Revision 1 (Welsh translation) dated April 2014 replaces the superseded document 6.4.1 Revision 0 dated March 2014.

25 April 2014

What happens next

The preliminary meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 July 2014. Invitations to this meeting have been sent to interested parties.

The preliminary meeting is held in public and concerns procedural matters only. It is not essential to attend the preliminary meeting; interested parties will be sent details of how to take further part in the examination in any event.

The procedural decision, setting the timetable for the examination including deadlines for receipt of detailed written representations and for comments on others’ representations, will be made after the preliminary meeting and will be published on the project page. It will also be available on request from hirwaun@infrastructure.gsi.gov.uk and our helpline: 0303 444 5000.

If you are an interested party, you will receive notifications about the examination and you will also be notified about the final decision.

If you have a legal interest in land affected by a nationally significant infrastructure project and have not already registered to become an interested party, then you can make a request to the Examining Authority to become an interested party under s102A of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended).