Legislation and advice

Find out more about the relevant legislation and advice.


Here you can view the legislation which govern the application process, including:

  • Primary legislation – The Planning Act 2008
  • Secondary legislation including rules, regulations and commencement orders
  • European Legislation – TEN-E: Regulation (EU) No 347/2013


Provides guidance on a range of matters relating to the application process.

Advice notes

The Planning Inspectorate has published its own series of advice notes about a range of process matters.

National Policy Statements

Find out what National Policy Statements (NPSs) are, what they include and how they fit into the decision making process.

Consents Service Unit

Provides information on the Consents Service Unit within the Planning Inspectorate that became operational in April 2013.

Register of advice

View the advice the Planning Inspectorate has provided that is not specific to a project.