Navitus Bay Wind Park

About this project

The Application is for development consent to construct and operate the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park, which comprises up to 194 wind turbine generators and associated onshore and offshore infrastructure, with an installed capacity of up to 970 MW (the Project). The Project would be located on the bed of the English Channel approximately 17.3 km off Scratchell’s Bay (south of the Needles on the Isle of Wight) and 14.4 km from Durlston Head (on the Isle of Purbeck). The Turbine Area occupies an area of 153 km2.

Visit developer’s website

Recent activity

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Relevant representations published on the website
26 June 2014
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Registration of interested parties closes
23 June 2014
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Registration of interested parties begins
13 May 2014
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The application has been accepted for examination 

View the letter

Drop in event in Bournemouth

Join Planning Inspectorate staff in Bournemouth on 22 May 2014 to find out about the application process. See the poster for locations and times.

9 May 2014
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Decision on whether or not to accept the application for examination
8 May 2014

What happens next

The Examining Authority will carry out an initial assessment of the application and representations received and set a date for the preliminary meeting.

Interested parties will receive an invitation to the Preliminary Meeting which is to discuss procedural matters only of the examination and is held in public. It is not essential to attend the Preliminary Meeting; interested parties will be sent details of how to take further part in the examination in any event.

The procedural decision made after the Preliminary Meeting will be published at our website and also be available on request from and our helpline: 0303 444 5000 and will set the timetable for the examination. The timetable will include deadlines for receipt of detailed written representation and for comments on others’ relevant representations.

If you are an interested party either because you are one of the specific bodies cited in s102 of the Planning Act 2008 or you have registered to put your case on this application, you will receive notifications about the examination and a copy of the decision on the applications once that is made.

If you have a legal interest in land affected by a nationally significant infrastructure project and have not already registered to become an interested party, then you can make a request to the Examining Authority to become an interested party under s102A of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended).