Willington C Gas Pipeline

About this project

The application is for gas pipeline approximately 27km in length, buried for its entire length, with an above ground installation at the start point. The proposed pipeline will start near Yoxall in Staffordshire, where a connection will be made into the national transmission system, and the pipeline will terminate at a block valve within the site of the new Willington C Power Station in Derbyshire.

The construction of the pipeline will be carried out within a temporary construction corridor, nominally 30m in width, but widening where additional working area is required. Three temporary construction compounds are required. One permanent access is required at the above ground installation.

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Recent activity

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The examination closed on 2 July 2014 at 12 noon. There will now be a period of 3 months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State will have 3 months in which to make their decision.

The Section 99 letter has now been published.

3 July 2014
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Examination ends
2 July 2014
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23 June 2014
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Documents for Deadline 8 have now been published.

17 June 2014
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The Examining Authority’s draft Development Consent Order has been issued.

4 June 2014

What happens next

The examination closed on 2 July 2014 at 12:00am. There will now be a period of 3 months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State will have 3 months in which to make their decision.