London Paramount

About this project

Leisure and entertainment resort including a theme park, hotels, bars, restaurants, business space, training academy, monorail and associated infrastructure works

Recent activity

notice icon

On 9 May 2014 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government gave a direction under s35 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) for the London Paramount project to be treated as a project for which development consent is required. View the direction.

9 May 2014

What happens next

The application is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate April 2015.

After receipt of the application, there will be 28 days to review the application and decide whether or not to accept it.

If the application is accepted, we will advise the timescales when interested parties can register to make a representation.

If the application is accepted, we will:

  • Publish all the application documents on this project page
  • Publish the date from which you will be able to register to put your case on the application
  • Publish the date on which registration will close.