South Hook Combined Heat & Power Station

About this project

An integrated combined heat and power plant based on combined cycle gas turbine technology including combustion turbine generator(s); heat recovery steam generator(s); steam turbine generator(s); stack for discharge of combustion gases; electrical switchgear; and area reserved for carbon capture. The proposed CHP plant will have an installed capacity of up to 500MWe and produce sufficient electricity to both meet the existing LNG terminal’s power needs and to export surplus electricity.

New or upgraded electrical transmission connection, eventually to National Grid Electricity Transmission 400kV substation at Pembroke Power Station, to be resolved and possibly to be subject of separate DCO application. A number of route options are currently being considered.

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Recent activity

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The following documents have been published:

- The responses to the Examining Authority’s rule 17 letter relating to correspondence from the HSE.

- QPI Global Ventures Ltd final submissions.

- Explanatory Memorandum.

- Explanatory Memorandum with track changes.

- The Health and Safety Executive’s and QPI Global Ventures Ltd comments on QPI Global Ventures Ltd rule 17 response dated the 23 April 2014.

25 April 2014
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The examination has closed. There will now be a period of 3 months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The notification of completion of the Examining Authority’s examination has been published.

24 April 2014
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Examination ends
23 April 2014
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22 April 2014
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7 March 2014

What happens next

The examination closed on 23 April 2014 at 12:00am. There will now be a period of 3 months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State will have 3 months in which to make their decision.