Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm

About this project

Proposed wind farm project within the Clocaenog Forest located within the counties of Conwy and Denbighshire, North Wales.
-Between 64 – 96MW
-Max tip height - 145m
-Total development area - 1,463 Ha
-No. of turbines - 32 each providing a 2-3 MW

Visit developer’s website

Recent activity

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The Examining Authority issued its recommendation to the Secretary of State on 12 June 2014. A decision will be published within 3 months. Please note that the Examining Authority’s recommendation will also be made available at that point.

12 June 2014
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Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate
12 June 2014
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The examination has now closed. There will now be a period of 3 months for the Examining Authority to consider and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. Please see the letter to interested parties.

13 March 2014
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The following documents have been published:

A completed section 106 agreement between RWE Innogy UK Limited, the Welsh Ministers, Denbighshire County Council and Conwy County Borough Council

Additional submissions

12 March 2014
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Examination ends
12 March 2014

What happens next

The Planning Inspectorate issued a report of recommendation to the Secretary of State on 12 June 2014. The Secretary of State has 3 months in which to issue a decision. The decision letter and report of recommendation will be published on this page of the website once a decision has been made.