Western Rail Access to Heathrow

About this project

Heathrow is the UK’s busiest airport and handles the most international passengers of any airport in the world. Whilst the London Underground and Heathrow Express services have improved connections to central London, there are limited options for rail passengers travelling to Heathrow Airport from other than London. The Western Rail Access to Heathrow project will create a new connection with the nearby Great Western Mainline (GWML), providing a more direct rail route for passengers travelling to and from Reading, Oxford, South Wales, Bristol, Midlands and beyond.

The Network Rail Draft CP5 Enhancements Delivery Plan which has been published for consultation sets out the outputs, scope and milestones required to be delivered by the planned enhancement programme in CP5 (2014 – 2019). The specific project output of this scheme is to improve access and rail connectivity to Heathrow Airport for both travelling customers and the airport’s workforce by providing interchange at Reading, thereby avoiding the need to travel via London when travelling from the West.

What happens next

The application is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate Sept 2015.

After receipt of the application, there will be 28 days to review the application and decide whether or not to accept it.

If the application is accepted, we will advise the timescales when interested parties can register to make a representation.

If the application is accepted, we will:

  • Publish all the application documents on this project page
  • Publish the date from which you will be able to register to put your case on the application
  • Publish the date on which registration will close.