National Policy Statements

What are National Policy Statements?

National Policy Statements (NPSs) are produced by Government. They give reasons for the policy set out in the statement, and must include an explanation of how the policy takes account of Government policy relating to the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change. They include the Government’s objectives for the development of nationally significant infrastructure in a particular sector and state:

  • How this will contribute to sustainable development.
  • How these objectives have been integrated with other Government policies.
  • How actual and projected capacity and demand have been taken into account.
  • Consider relevant issues in relation to safety or technology.
  • Circumstances where it would be particularly important to address the adverse impacts of development.
  • Specific locations, where appropriate, in order to provide a clear framework for investment and planning decisions.

They also include any other policies or circumstances that Ministers consider should be taken into account in decisions on infrastructure development.

NPSs undergo a democratic process of public consultation and parliamentary scrutiny, before being designated (i.e. published). They provide the framework within which Inspectors make their recommendations to the Secretary of State.

Which sectors do National Policy Statements cover?

There are 12 designated or proposed National Policy Statements, setting out Government policy on different types of national infrastructure development, which are:

Energy NPSs

  • Overarching energy
  • Renewable energy
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Oil and Gas Supply and Storage
  • Electricity Networks
  • Nuclear Power

These are produced by the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC). All six energy NPSs received designation by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change on 19 July 2011. For further information and to view the NPSs, visit the DECC website.

Transport NPSs

  • Ports
  • Road and rail networks
  • Aviation

These are produced by the Department for Transport. The Ports NPS was designated on 26 January 2012.

The national road and rail networks NPS has been published in draft for consultation which closed on 26 February 2014. The aviation NPS has not yet been published in draft for consultation.

The Department for Transport published the Strategic Rail Freight Policy Guidance on 29 November 2011 which sets out the Government policy for strategic rail freight interchange infrastructure. This guidance was produced in the interim pending the publication of the Department for Transport’s consultation document on the national transport networks NPS. The guidance will be cancelled once the final NPS has been designated.

Water, waste water and waste NPSs

  • Water Supply
  • Hazardous Waste
  • Waste Water Treatment

These are produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). The water supply NPS has not yet been published in draft for consultation.

The hazardous waste NPS was published on 6 June 2013.

The waste water NPS was published on 9 February 2012.

Does the Planning Inspectorate have a view on the NPSs?

The Planning Inspectorate is impartial and does not comment on Government policy. However, we do make our recommendations within the framework provided by NPSs. The Infrastructure Planning Commission previously commented on their fitness-for-purpose, the responses can be viewed below.

What happens if the relevant NPS has not been designated?

The Secretary of State must have regard to any matter that the Secretary of State thinks is important and relevant to the Secretary of State’s decision. This could include the draft NPS if the relevant NPS has not been formally designated.