Guidance Primarily for Race Officials 

  • Championship Results.
    Guidance on deliverling a high-quality results service at championship events.
  • Discretionary Penalties
    Guidance on discretionary penalties which are becoming increasingly common for some rule breaches.
  • Environmental Responsibility and Trash Disposal
    Guidance on the Basic Principle, Environmental Responsibility, and rule 55, Trash Disposal, both new for 2013. Includes the RYA recommendation that rule 55 is made subject to discretionary penalties.
  • Gate Marks.
    Guidance on the use of gate marks. 
  • Gate Starts
    Guidance on how to operate a gate start.
  • Information for Observers at Hearings.
    Guidance for the protest committee about, and information for, observers at protest hearings.
  • Information to Competitors from the Protest Committee.
    Suggested texts that the protest committee may want to post for competitors at an event.
  • IRC Rating Protests .
    Guidance on protests concerning alleged breaches of IRC measurement rules (should be read in conjunction with the RYA guidance on Measurement Protests below).
  • Judging and Umpiring
    Best Practise for these race official disciplines at events of varying levels and importance.
  • Measurement Protests. 
    Guidance on protests concerning alleged breaches of measurement rules. It does not directly address protests concerning other aspects of class rules, although some of the principles are applicable to such protests.
  • Permitting Use of an Engine
    Options for, and limits on, sailing instructions allowing the use of an engine for propulsion.
  • Photography at Events.
    Guidelines for RYA race officials on taking and publishing images of competitors at events.
  • Protecting Boats Before the Start.
    Methods and penalties to inhibit interference by boats that are not racing with boats that are in their starting sequence.
  • Protecting Committee Boats. 
    The paper explains the correct methods for race managers to protect their own and borrowed boats used as committee boats.
  • Race Officials' Code of Conduct
    Guidance on expected levels of behaviour and practice for RYA race officials during events.
  • Racing Around Waypoints.
    The RYA has approved an application under rule 86.3 from the Royal Ocean Racing Club to test new rules in events for which it is the organising authority, to make it possible for courses to use waypoints rather than marks wherever it is suitable to do so. Other organising authorities may apply for such permission.
  • Recommendations for Protest Committees.
    Extended guidance on Appendix M regarding protest committee procedure with examples of appropriate actions in described circumstances.
  • Risk Statement
    Guidance on a 'Risk Statement' recommended by the RYA to replace a 'Disclaimer of Liability' in Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions.  The recommendation can be found in RRS Appendix J, Addendum A (RYA), which can be found on page 115 of the RYA edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016, and also below.
  • RRS Appendix J, Addendum A (RYA)
    Example Risk Statement text for use in Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions.
  • Scoring
    The text of Appendix A, Scoring, together with guidance and detailed explanations of the scoring rules and examples of their application.
  • Starting Penalties
    Describes alternatives to returning to start correctly for boats that are over the starting line at the starting signal (OCS).

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Article Published: June 18, 2010 13:51

Article Updated: February 27, 2014 15:25


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