Class FocusPanel

A simple panel that makes its contents focusable, and adds the ability to catch mouse and keyboard events.

Note that this panel can contain at most one direct child widget. To add more children, make the child of this panel a different panel that can contain more than one child.

Here is an example of how to use this widget:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var focus = app.createFocusPanel();
   var flow = app.createFlowPanel();
   flow.add(app.createButton("button 1"));
   flow.add(app.createButton("button 2"));
   return app;

Internally, UiApp widgets are built on top of the Google Web Toolkit, and it can sometimes be helpful to look at the GWT documentation directly. You can find the FocusPanel documentation here.


MethodReturn typeBrief description
add(widget)FocusPanelAdd a widget to the FocusPanel.
addBlurHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for blur events (losing keyboard focus).
addClickHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for click events.
addFocusHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for focus events (gaining keyboard focus).
addKeyDownHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for key down events.
addKeyPressHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for key press events.
addKeyUpHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for key up events.
addMouseDownHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for mouse down events.
addMouseMoveHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for mouse move events.
addMouseOutHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for mouse out events.
addMouseOverHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for mouse move events.
addMouseUpHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for mouse up events.
addMouseWheelHandler(handler)FocusPanelAdd a handler for mouse wheel events.
addStyleDependentName(styleName)FocusPanelSets the dependent style name of this FocusPanel.
addStyleName(styleName)FocusPanelAdds a style name to this FocusPanel.
clear()FocusPanelRemove all widgets from the FocusPanel.
getId()StringReturns the id that has been assigned to this object.
getTag()StringGets the text tag of this FocusPanel.
getType()StringGets the type of this object.
setFocus(focus)FocusPanelExplicitly focus/unfocus this FocusPanel.
setHeight(height)FocusPanelSets the height of this FocusPanel.
setId(id)FocusPanelSets the id of this FocusPanel.
setPixelSize(width, height)FocusPanelSets the size of this FocusPanel in pixels.
setSize(width, height)FocusPanelSets the size of this FocusPanel.
setStyleAttribute(attribute, value)FocusPanelSets one of this FocusPanel's style attributes to a new value.
setStyleAttributes(attributes)FocusPanelSets this FocusPanel's style attributes.
setStyleName(styleName)FocusPanelSets the style name of this FocusPanel.
setStylePrimaryName(styleName)FocusPanelSets the primary style name of this FocusPanel.
setTabIndex(index)FocusPanelSets the FocusPanel's position in the tab index.
setTag(tag)FocusPanelSets the text tag of this FocusPanel.
setTitle(title)FocusPanelSets the hover title of this FocusPanel.
setVisible(visible)FocusPanelSets whether this FocusPanel is visible.
setWidget(widget)FocusPanelSets the widget inside this FocusPanel, removing anything previously there.
setWidth(width)FocusPanelSets the width of this FocusPanel.

Detailed documentation


Add a widget to the FocusPanel.


widgetWidgetthe widget to add.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for blur events (losing keyboard focus).

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "blur".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for click events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "click".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // mouse x and y position relative to the widget that fired the event.
   var x = parameter.x;
   var y = parameter.y;
   // mouse x and y position within the browser window's client area.
   var clientX = parameter.clientX;
   var clientY = parameter.clientY;
   // mouse x and y position within the user's display.
   var screenX = parameter.screenX;
   var screenY = parameter.screenY;
   // the mouse button used. Left is 1, right is 2, and middle is 4.
   var button = parameter.button;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for focus events (gaining keyboard focus).

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "focus".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for key down events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "keydown".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // what key was pressed. See below for a link explaining what these values mean.
   var charCode = parameter.charCode;
   var keyCode = parameter.keyCode;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information. For an explanation of charCode and keyCode, including what to expect on different browsers, look here.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for key press events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "keypress".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // what key was pressed. See below for a link explaining what these values mean.
   var charCode = parameter.charCode;
   var keyCode = parameter.keyCode;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information. For an explanation of charCode and keyCode, including what to expect on different browsers, look here.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for key up events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "keyup".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // what key was pressed. See below for a link explaining what these values mean.
   var charCode = parameter.charCode;
   var keyCode = parameter.keyCode;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information. For an explanation of charCode and keyCode, including what to expect on different browsers, look here.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for mouse down events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "mousedown".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // mouse x and y position relative to the widget that fired the event.
   var x = parameter.x;
   var y = parameter.y;
   // mouse x and y position within the browser window's client area.
   var clientX = parameter.clientX;
   var clientY = parameter.clientY;
   // mouse x and y position within the user's display.
   var screenX = parameter.screenX;
   var screenY = parameter.screenY;
   // the mouse button used. Left is 1, right is 2, and middle is 4.
   var button = parameter.button;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for mouse move events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "mousemove".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // mouse x and y position relative to the widget that fired the event.
   var x = parameter.x;
   var y = parameter.y;
   // mouse x and y position within the browser window's client area.
   var clientX = parameter.clientX;
   var clientY = parameter.clientY;
   // mouse x and y position within the user's display.
   var screenX = parameter.screenX;
   var screenY = parameter.screenY;
   // the mouse button used. Left is 1, right is 2, and middle is 4.
   var button = parameter.button;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for mouse out events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "mouseout".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // mouse x and y position relative to the widget that fired the event.
   var x = parameter.x;
   var y = parameter.y;
   // mouse x and y position within the browser window's client area.
   var clientX = parameter.clientX;
   var clientY = parameter.clientY;
   // mouse x and y position within the user's display.
   var screenX = parameter.screenX;
   var screenY = parameter.screenY;
   // the mouse button used. Left is 1, right is 2, and middle is 4.
   var button = parameter.button;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for mouse move events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "mousover".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // mouse x and y position relative to the widget that fired the event.
   var x = parameter.x;
   var y = parameter.y;
   // mouse x and y position within the browser window's client area.
   var clientX = parameter.clientX;
   var clientY = parameter.clientY;
   // mouse x and y position within the user's display.
   var screenX = parameter.screenX;
   var screenY = parameter.screenY;
   // the mouse button used. Left is 1, right is 2, and middle is 4.
   var button = parameter.button;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for mouse up events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "mouseup".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // mouse x and y position relative to the widget that fired the event.
   var x = parameter.x;
   var y = parameter.y;
   // mouse x and y position within the browser window's client area.
   var clientX = parameter.clientX;
   var clientY = parameter.clientY;
   // mouse x and y position within the user's display.
   var screenX = parameter.screenX;
   var screenY = parameter.screenY;
   // the mouse button used. Left is 1, right is 2, and middle is 4.
   var button = parameter.button;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Add a handler for mouse wheel events.

Note that you can have multiple handlers for the same event on the same widget. They will be called in the order that they were added to the widget, although ServerHandlers may appear to happen simultaneously.

The handler passes back some information to the server about what happened. This information can be accessed as follows:

function doGet() {
   var app = UiApp.createApplication();
   var button = app.createButton("a button");
   var handler = app.createServerHandler("handlerFunction");
   return app;

 function handlerFunction(eventInfo) {
   var parameter = eventInfo.parameter;
   // the type of event, in this case "mousewheel".
   var eventType = parameter.eventType;
   // the id of the widget that fired this event.
   var source = parameter.source;
   // mouse x and y position relative to the widget that fired the event.
   var x = parameter.x;
   var y = parameter.y;
   // mouse x and y position within the browser window's client area.
   var clientX = parameter.clientX;
   var clientY = parameter.clientY;
   // mouse x and y position within the user's display.
   var screenX = parameter.screenX;
   var screenY = parameter.screenY;
   // the mouse button used. Left is 1, right is 2, and middle is 4.
   var button = parameter.button;
   // whether the various modifier keys were also pressed (true or false)
   var shift = parameter.shift;
   var alt = parameter.alt;
   var ctrl = parameter.ctrl;
   var meta = parameter.meta;
In addition, the values of certain widgets can be sent up with the event as well, as "callback elements." See the documentation of ServerHandler for more information.


handlerHandlerthe handler to execute when the event occurs. This can be a ClientHandler or a ServerHandler.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the dependent style name of this FocusPanel.

This is useful for debugging but is otherwise of minimal use since there is no way to use custom stylesheets in UiApp.


styleNameStringthe new style name.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Adds a style name to this FocusPanel.

This is useful for debugging but is otherwise of minimal use since there is no way to use custom stylesheets in UiApp.


styleNameStringthe new style name.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Remove all widgets from the FocusPanel.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Returns the id that has been assigned to this object.

This can be used in conjunction with app.getElementById() to retrieve a reference to this object.


String — the id that has been assigned to this object


Gets the text tag of this FocusPanel.


String — the text tag.


Gets the type of this object.


String — the object type


Explicitly focus/unfocus this FocusPanel.

Only one widget can have focus at a time, and the widget that does will receive all keyboard events.


focusBooleanwhether the FocusPanel should have the current focus.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the height of this FocusPanel.


heightStringthe new height in any CSS unit such as "10px" or "50%".


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the id of this FocusPanel.


idStringthe new id, which can be used to retrieve the FocusPanel from app.getElementById(id).


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.

setPixelSize(width, height)

Sets the size of this FocusPanel in pixels.


widthIntegerthe new width in pixels.
heightIntegerthe new height in pixels.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.

setSize(width, height)

Sets the size of this FocusPanel.


widthStringthe new width in any CSS unit such as "10px" or "50%".
heightStringthe new height in any CSS unit such as "10px" or "50%".


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.

setStyleAttribute(attribute, value)

Sets one of this FocusPanel's style attributes to a new value. Valid attributes are listed here; the values for each attribute are the same as those available in CSS style sheets.

// Change the widget's background to black and text color to green.
 widget.setStyleAttribute("background", "black")
     .setStyleAttribute("color", "green");


attributeStringthe CSS attribute, in camel-case ("fontSize", not "font-size"), as listed here
valueStringthe CSS value


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets this FocusPanel's style attributes. This is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling setStyleAttribute with every key/value pair in the attributes object. Valid attributes are listed here; the values for each attribute are the same as those available in CSS style sheets.

// Change the widget's background to black and text color to green.
 widget.setStyleAttributes({background: "black", color: "green"});


attributesObjectan object of key/value pairs for the CSS attributes and values to set; valid attributes are listed here


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the style name of this FocusPanel.

This is useful for debugging but is otherwise of minimal use since there is no way to use custom stylesheets in UiApp.


styleNameStringthe new style name.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the primary style name of this FocusPanel.

This is useful for debugging but is otherwise of minimal use since there is no way to use custom stylesheets in UiApp.


styleNameStringthe new style name.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the FocusPanel's position in the tab index.

If more than one widget has the same tab index, each such widget will receive focus in an arbitrary order. Setting the tab index to -1 will cause this widget to be removed from the tab order.


indexIntegerthe new tab index.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the text tag of this FocusPanel.


tagStringthe new text tag, which can be anything you wish to store with the widget.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the hover title of this FocusPanel.

Not all browsers will show this.


titleStringthe hover title.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets whether this FocusPanel is visible.


visibleBooleanwhether this FocusPanel should be visible or not.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the widget inside this FocusPanel, removing anything previously there.


widgetWidgetthe widget to put in this FocusPanel.


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.


Sets the width of this FocusPanel.


widthStringthe new width in any CSS unit such as "10px" or "50%".


FocusPanel — the FocusPanel itself, useful for chaining.

Deprecated methods

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