Class PageBreakItem

A layout item that marks the start of a page. Items can be accessed or created from a Form.

 // Create a form and add three page-break items.
 var form = FormApp.create('Form Name');
 var pageTwo = form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Page Two');
 var pageThree = form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Page Three');

 // Make the first two pages navigate elsewhere upon completion. 
 pageTwo.setGoToPage(pageThree); // At end of page one (start of page two), jump to page three
 pageThree.setGoToPage(FormApp.PageNavigationType.RESTART); // At end of page two, restart form 


MethodReturn typeBrief description
duplicate()PageBreakItemCreates a copy of this item and appends it to the end of the form.
getGoToPage()PageBreakItemGets the PageBreakItem that the form will jump to after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form).
getHelpText()StringGets the item's help text (sometimes called description text for layout items like ImageItems, PageBreakItems, and SectionHeaderItems).
getId()IntegerGets the item's unique identifier.
getIndex()IntegerGets the index of the item among all the items in the form.
getPageNavigationType()PageNavigationTypeGets the type of page navigation that occurs after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form).
getTitle()StringGets the item's title (sometimes called header text, in the case of a SectionHeaderItem).
getType()ItemTypeGets the item's type, represented as an ItemType.
setGoToPage(goToPageItem)PageBreakItemSets the page to jump to after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form).
setGoToPage(navigationType)PageBreakItemSets the type of page navigation that occurs after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form).
setHelpText(text)PageBreakItemSets the item's help text (sometimes called description text for layout items like ImageItems, PageBreakItems, and SectionHeaderItems).
setTitle(title)PageBreakItemSets the item's title (sometimes called header text, in the case of a SectionHeaderItem).

Detailed documentation


Creates a copy of this item and appends it to the end of the form.


PageBreakItem — a duplicate of this PageBreakItem, for chaining


Gets the PageBreakItem that the form will jump to after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form).


PageBreakItem — the page break to jump to after completing the page before this page break, or null if none is set


Gets the item's help text (sometimes called description text for layout items like ImageItems, PageBreakItems, and SectionHeaderItems).


String — the item's help text or description text


Gets the item's unique identifier.


Integer — the item's ID


Gets the index of the item among all the items in the form.


Integer — the index of the item


Gets the type of page navigation that occurs after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form).


PageNavigationType — the navigation action to take after completing the page before this page break


Gets the item's title (sometimes called header text, in the case of a SectionHeaderItem).


String — the item's title or header text


Gets the item's type, represented as an ItemType.


ItemType — the item's type


Sets the page to jump to after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form). If the previous page contained a MultipleChoiceItem or ListItem with a navigation option, that navigation overrules this navigation.


goToPageItemPageBreakItemthe page break to jump to after completing the page before this page break


PageBreakItem — this PageBreakItem, for chaining


Sets the type of page navigation that occurs after completing the page before this page break (that is, upon reaching this page break by normal linear progression through the form). If the page contained a MultipleChoiceItem or ListItem with a navigation option, that navigation overrules this navigation.


navigationTypePageNavigationTypethe navigation action to take after completing the page before this page break


PageBreakItem — this PageBreakItem, for chaining


Sets the item's help text (sometimes called description text for layout items like ImageItems, PageBreakItems, and SectionHeaderItems).


textStringthe new help text


PageBreakItem — this PageBreakItem, for chaining


Sets the item's title (sometimes called header text, in the case of a SectionHeaderItem).


titleStringthe new title or header text


PageBreakItem — this PageBreakItem, for chaining

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