
DocsList Service


Deprecated. The DocsList service was deprecated on December 11, 2014. To work with files in Google Drive, use the Drive service instead.

This service allows scripts to create, find, and modify files and folders in Google Drive.

// This example creates a file called 'example file'
DocsList.createFile('example file', 'example file contents');


NameBrief description
DocsListThe DocsList service contains methods to create and retrieve files and folders.
FileThis class contains methods to get information about the file and modify its contents.
FileTypeAn enumeration used to represent various Google and non-Google file types.
FilesResultHolds an array of files as well as a token used to enable pagination in methods that return a limited number of items such as DocsList.getAllFilesForPaging(number, token).
FolderA folder contains methods to create, find, and access files inside of itself.
FoldersResultHolds an array of folders as well as a token used to enable pagination in methods that return a limited number of items such as DocsList.getAllFoldersForPaging(number, token).
TokenA token object used to enable pagination in methods that return a limited number of items.

Class DocsList

Class File


MethodReturn typeBrief description
getAs(contentType)BlobReturn the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type.
getBlob()BlobReturn the data inside this object as a blob.

Class FileType

Class FilesResult

Class Folder

Class FoldersResult

Class Token