Class Control

A user interface control object, that drives the data displayed by a DashboardPanel.

A control can be embedded in a UI application. Controls are user interface widgets (category pickers, range sliders, autocompleters, etc.) users interact with in order to drive the data managed by a dashboard and the charts that are part of it. Controls collect user input and use the information to decide which of the data the dashboard is managing should be made available to the charts that are part of it. Given a data table, a control will filter out the data that doesn't comply with the conditions implied by its current state, and will expose the filtered data table as an output.

For more details, see the Gviz documentation.


MethodReturn typeBrief description
getId()StringReturns the id that has been assigned to this object.
getType()StringGets the type of this object.
setId(id)ControlSets the id of this Control to be used with UiApp.

Detailed documentation


Returns the id that has been assigned to this object.

This can be used in conjunction with app.getElementById() to retrieve a reference to this object.


String — the id that has been assigned to this object


Gets the type of this object.


String — the object type


Sets the id of this Control to be used with UiApp.


idStringthe new id, which can be used to retrieve the Control from app.getElementById(id).


Control — the Control itself, useful for chaining.

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