Apps Script Case Studies

Gmail Meter

by Romain Vialard, Revevol

Gmail Meter is an Apps Script which runs on the first day of every month and sends you an email containing different statistics about your Inbox. Similar to how the Google Account Activity gives key stats about how you’ve used your Google Account, Gmail Meter gives you various statistics that will help you analyze your Gmail habits.

Gmail Attachment Size

by Amit Agarwal, Digital Inspiration

Use Google Apps Script to connect to your Gmail account and compute the size of every message that’s present in your mailbox. If it finds a bulky message (size > 1 MB), it will make a note of it in the spreadsheet.

Grading Made Easy

by Dave Abouav,

Flubaroo is designed as a simple grading solution for teachers using existing tools they're already comfortable with. It allows automated grading of quizzes and assignments administered via Google Forms. Beyond just grading, Flubaroo also provides analytics such as a histogram of grade distribution and identification of questions that many students missed. Flubaroo’s most popular feature is its ability to email each student their grade, along with the answer key if desired.

Gmail Attachments to Drive

by Amit Agarwal, Digital Inspiration

Imagine this. You are reading a Gmail message on your mobile device, the message contains one or more file attachments, you apply a label (say GoogleDrive) to that message and automatically all those attachments are saved to one of the folders on your Google Drive.

4 Ways to do Mail Merge

by James Ferreira,
by Steve Webster, Dito
by Romain Vialard, Revevol

Creating customized emails is very easy using Apps Script. This script covers several techniques that tap into the power of Google Apps Script by utilizing Gmail, Documents and Sites to make it easy to mail merge.

Gmail Snooze

by Corey Goldfeder, Google

Snoozing means archiving an email for now, but having it automatically reappear in the inbox at some specified time in the future. With Apps Script you can extend Gmail to add this functionality on your own.

Approval Workflow

by Steve Webster, Dito

An approval workflow developed by Dito for one of its customers. It uses MailApp and UI services to bring approval workflow directly into your inbox.

Google Docs and

by Beth Sturgeon, Google

Google's Real Estate and Workplace Services (REWS) Green Team shows ways to use Apps Script to collect data using Google Docs form and then integrate into .

Spreadsheet Directory

by Shel Davis, Cloud Sherpas

Google Apps Domain administrators can use a simple Apps Script that can be saved in Google Sheets and then set to run on a schedule, via a “time-driven” trigger. By using the Google Profiles API (available only for domain administrators), domain administrators can create a spreadsheet which contains Google Apps domain user information.The user profile data can then be consumed and used by other business logic code, either in the spreadsheet itself or elsewhere.

Trainer Finder using Maps

by Romain Vialard, Revevol

Revevol used Apps Script to build a shiny new graphical user interface to allow their customers to dynamically search for available trainers across all skill levels and categories.

Idea Bank

by Saqib Ali, Seagate

Seagate used UI Services in Google Apps Script to build an internal Idea Bank that easily manages idea submissions in Google Sheets.

University Vacation Calendar

by Stephanie Obodda, Brown University

Brown University’s 170 person IT department uses Apps Script to automate vacation calendar management.

Wolfram Alpha in Google Sheets

by John Watkinson, Docracy

This Apps Script, created at an Apps Script Hackathon, contains a custom function for Google Sheets called "wolf." You pass simple English-language queries into the function and get back exact numeric results in Google Sheets.

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