Twitter API Policy Support

Please fill out all the fields below so we can review your report

If you believe your account has been compromised, please follow these steps before reporting this application.

If this application is causing unwanted behavior on your account (Tweeting, Following, etc), please revoke the application by visiting the Applications tab in your Account Settings.

Your request will only be reviewed if this form is submitted from the account currently associated with this application.

xAuth access is restricted to approved applications. Such applications include desktop applications or mobile application where standard web OAuth flow or PIN-code out-of-band flow is not an option.

xAuth is not available for web-based applications.

For more information, please see this article.

As of November 2, 2012, Reverse Auth access is enabled by default for any new or existing API keys, and you no longer have to contact Twitter to enable this endpoint. For further information, please see Reverse Auth: enabled by default on our developer blog.

Please provide a detailed description of your application below, including the elevated API Access level you're requesting. If applicable, please describe how the Tweets obtained through our Streaming API will be displayed to users of your service.

We suggest that you check our API documentation for technical information. You may also want to post about this in our developer discussion forum. Our API engineering team interacts with developers here on a regular basis.

I have revoked this application by visiting the Applications tab in my Account Settings.
e.g. 07/11/2011
Please provide additional information about this application. Please include links to Tweets, Profiles or Twitter searches if available.
Your Application's ID and consumer key can be found on our Twitter Developers site
Please note that our ticketing system does not accept attachments; you will need to upload your video to your server or a video host (for example, YouTube or Vimeo) and provide a direct link (URL) to the video.
Please provide additional information regarding your application's main features and how it interacts with the Twitter API. You may also include any additional questions or comments.
This is the email we'll use to contact you. Enter your current address.
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