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“For everything I have given to the JST in terms of my time and energy, I have got back twice as much.”

Maggie Challoner – Volunteer

The JST has assisted thousands of people of all abilities to fulfil a dream and, with your support and friendship, we will be able to provide this experience to many more. We would like to invite you to become a Friend of the Jubilee Sailing Trust.

become a friend of JST

Becoming a Friend of the Jubilee Sailing Trust is simple. All we ask for is a small contribution; a minimum of £3 per month (£36 a year) from anyone who wishes to support us. Your contribution goes directly towards helping people to sail with JST who would not be otherwise be able to participate in this experience of a lifetime.

Being a Friend enables you to stay in touch with our events, our work, and details of new voyages. There is no long-term commitment; each year you can decide whether to continue your support.

What do Friends of JST get in return?

  • Regular updates that keep them informed of news from Lord Nelson, Tenacious and the work that the JST do
  • A priority early booking privilege when a new voyage programme is released
  • Invitations to exclusive JST events
  • Discounts with Cotswold Outdoor Centre and Mountain Warehouse on production of your Friend’s card

Apply to become a Friend today

To become a Friend, please download and complete the Standing Order details on the attached JST friendship form. Standing Orders are beneficial to the JST as they help cut down on administration. You can also pay be credit card using the same form. Cheques should be made payable to Jubilee Sailing Trust.

Or if you would like to pay online please use the form at the bottom of this page:

MW Logo
As a Friend, you can receive 20% discount at Mountain Warehouse.
splash logo 
Splash Sea School are recommended by the magazine “Sailing Today”. Splash offer a 10% discount on all Splash courses for JST friends – just enter “JST” partner code when purchasing a Splash course and the discount will be applied.

Join the Jubilee Sailing Trust

I would like to become a Friend of the JST by giving a Friendship donation. Please complete and submit the form below.

* denotes a required field.

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