
It’s worth considering some of the possible safety issues that could come up when using Twitter. Here are some tips to help you have a positive experience.

What you can do

Think before you tweet

Most of the communication taking place on Twitter is viewable to everyone. Since the information posted on Twitter is public, it can be retweeted on the site by anyone who sees it. While Tweets can be protected so only approved followers can see them, most users share their Tweets with everyone. If you want your Tweets to only be available to approved followers, you should protect your Tweets

Remember that once you've posted something on the Internet, it's highly unlikely you can delete or remove it before someone else sees it. Ask yourself, “Would I say the same thing offline in front of my parents, teachers, principal, or potential employer?” If the answer is “no,” carefully consider whether or not you should Tweet it.  

Don’t share your account

If you share your account username and password with someone else, that person could post Tweets pretending to be you, or change the password and email on your account and lock you out. Pick a strong password and don’t share it with anyone. 

Respect others

Remember that others are entitled to their opinions, just as you are entitled to yours. If you don't agree with someone, it's fine to discuss the disagreement—but once it's clear that the situation has escalated, arguing further may not make the other person change his or her mind. 

Don’t feed the trolls and don’t be a troll. If someone posts something about you that you do not like, consider asking them to take it down. Likewise, if you post a photo or information about someone else and they ask you to remove it, respect their privacy and retain their trust by taking it down. Read this Twitter Support article to learn how to delete a Tweet.

Keep a healthy life balance  

Your online activities should enhance your offline life, not replace it.

Block and ignore

If you are receiving unwanted Tweets, we've found that the most successful response is to simply block the user and ignore the comments. If you don’t engage the bully, they often lose interest and stop harassing you. This Twitter Support article shows how to block other users.

If you're being bullied online as a continuation of bullying you're experiencing offline, please talk to a trusted adult or report the bullying to the appropriate authorities. 

When it has gone too far

Sometimes online relationships or interactions can affect you offline. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe as a result of something that happened online, it's important you take steps to address your feelings. Consider the following possibilities.

Talk it out

When dealing with negative or hurtful interactions, it can help to turn to siblings, parents, teachers or other people you trust for support and advice. Often, talking it out with your parents or a close friend may help you figure out how you want to handle the situation or let you express your feelings so you can move on.

Report a violation

Get to know the Twitter Rules. If you believe an account is violating our rules, you can file a report.  

Twitter only removes profiles that are in violation of the Twitter Rules. Please remember Twitter is a social broadcast network rather than a content provider and we do not mediate disputes between users.